[Haskell-cafe] who's in charge?

Donn Cave donn at avvanta.com
Wed Oct 27 12:47:36 EDT 2010

Quoth =?UTF-8?B?R8O8bnRoZXIgU2NobWlkdA==?= <gue.schmidt at web.de>,
> Basically that is my question: If there is someone at the top who has an 
> eye on this. That essential libraries come about.

Because while all kinds of libraries have been developed (including
as it happens all the core functionality you apparently need), the
ones you think are essential won't be, without the intervention of
some central authority?

I think you're missing a part of the issue, and you will have a
better perspective on it after you have actually used the library
software we have been pointing you at.

	Donn Cave, donn at avvanta.com

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