[Haskell-cafe] Map constructor in a DSL

Ryan Ingram ryani.spam at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 16:53:35 EDT 2010

Instead of answering your question directly, I'll give you some code
for a different DSL:

data Exp ref a where
    EVar ::  ref a -> Exp ref a
    ELam :: (ref a -> Exp ref b) -> Exp ref (a -> b)
    EAp :: Exp ref (a -> b) -> Exp ref a -> Exp ref b

    -- simple data structures
    EPair :: Exp ref a -> Exp ref b -> Exp ref (a,b)
    EFst :: Exp ref (a,b) -> Exp ref a
    ESnd :: Exp ref (a,b) -> Exp ref b

    ELeft :: Exp ref a -> Exp ref (Either a b)
    ERight :: Exp ref b -> Exp ref (Either a b)
    EEither :: Exp ref (a -> c) -> Exp ref (b -> c) -> Exp ref (Either
a b) -> Exp ref c

-- closed expressions can work for any reference type
typedef CExp a = (forall ref. CExp ref a)

newtype SimpleRef a = SR a

evalSimple :: Exp SimpleRef a -> a
evalSimple (EVar (SR a)) = a
evalSimple (ELam f) = \x -> evalSimple $ f (SR x)
evalSimple (EAp e1 e2) = evalSimple e1 $ evalSimple e2
evalSimple (EPair e1 e2) = (evalSimple e1, evalSimple e2)
evalSimple (EFst e) = fst $ evalSimple e
evalSimple (ESnd e) = snd $ evalSimple e
evalSimple (ELeft e) = Left $ evalSimple e
evalSimple (ERight e) = Right $ evalSimple e
evalSimple (EEither l r e) = either (evalSimple l) (evalSimple r) (evalSimple e)

eval :: CExp a -> a
eval = evalSimple

-- some examples
eid :: CExp (a -> a)
eid = ELam (\r -> EVar r)

type EBool = Either (a -> a) (a -> a)

true :: CExp EBool
true = ELeft eid

false :: CExp EBool
false = ERight eid

eif :: CExp (EBool -> a -> a -> a)
eif = ELam $ \b -> ELam $ \t -> ELam $ \f -> EEither (ELam $ \_ ->
EVar t) (ELam $ \_ -> EVar f) b

The key is in EVar/ELam; this gives you the ability to do actual
abstraction.  And you can use different reference types to create
different kinds of interpreters.  A fun exercise is writing an
interpreter that prints out the expression; that is, implement
"showExp :: CExp -> String".  My implementation shows eif as

ELam (\x -> ELam (\y -> ELam (\z -> EEither (ELam (\w -> EVar y))
(ELam (\w -> EVar z)) x)

I'm assuming that the inside of "evalObs (Map ...)" is a giant mess of
operations.  This 'higher order' way of representing expressions has
tended to simplify that mess for me.

  -- ryan

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Dupont Corentin
<corentin.dupont at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Chris!
> Values for PlayerNumber are acquired at evaluation time, from the state of
> the system.
> I have not included the evaluation of AllPlayers.
> Here how it looks:
> evalObs AllPlayers  = return . pure  =<< gets players
> But when you build your Obs, you have yet no idea how much players it will
> be.
> This is just symbolic at this stage.
> To give you a better insight, here is want I want to do with Map:
> everybodyVote :: Obs [Bool]
> everybodyVote = Map (Vote (Konst "Please vote")) AllPlayers
> In memory, everybodyVote is just a tree.
> This rule can be executed latter whenever I want to perform this democratic
> vote ;)
> Hope this answer to your question.
> Corentin
> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Christopher Done <chrisdone at googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 26 October 2010 18:07, Dupont Corentin <corentin.dupont at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > But how can I write the evaluator for Map?
>> Where do values for PlayerNumber come from? Unless I'm mistaken, the
>> only thing that Map can be used with is Obs [PlayerNumber], a list of
>> values PlayerNumber which we have no means of acquiring in order to
>> provide to the Map function.
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