[Haskell-cafe] Map constructor in a DSL

Dupont Corentin corentin.dupont at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 12:07:22 EDT 2010

Hello café,

I have a little DSL in my program as follow.
Now I'd like to add a Map constructor in it. Thats where I would need help!

> data Obs a where

>     AllPlayers :: Obs [Int]
>     Plus       :: (Num a) => Obs a -> Obs a -> Obs a
>     And        :: Obs Bool -> Obs Bool -> Obs Bool
>     Vote       :: Obs String -> Obs Int -> Obs Bool
>     *Map        :: (Obs a -> Obs b) -> Obs [a] -> Obs [b]*
>     -- and others

Here is the evaluator for Obs:

> evalObs :: Obs a -> Evaluator a
> evalObs (Konst a)   = return $ pure a
> evalObs (Not a)     = liftE  not   (evalObs a)
> evalObs (Plus a b)  = liftE2 (+)   (evalObs a) (evalObs b)
> evalObs (Minus a b) = liftE2 (-)   (evalObs a) (evalObs b)
> evalObs (Time a b)  = liftE2 (*)   (evalObs a) (evalObs b)
> evalObs (And a b)   = liftE2 (&&)  (evalObs a) (evalObs b)
> evalObs (Or a b)    = liftE2 (||)  (evalObs a) (evalObs b)
> evalObs (Equ a b)   = liftE2 (==)  (evalObs a) (evalObs b)
> evalObs (If a b c)  = liftE3 (if3) (evalObs a) (evalObs b) (evalObs c)

How you can see it is quite neat...
But how can I write the evaluator for Map?

Actually I have some half baked solution, 15 lines long that I don't
dare to show ;)

Actually compiling code excerpt is here:

Thanks for your help.

Below is some helper code:

type Evaluator a = StateT Game Comm a (Either Actions a)

-- | Combined lifters for Evaluator
liftE  = liftM  . liftA
liftE2 = liftM2 . liftA2
liftE3 = liftM3 . liftA3

instance Applicative (Either Actions) where

        pure x = Right x
        (Right f) <*> (Right x) = Right $ f x

        (Right _) <*> (Left u) = Left u
        (Left u) <*> (Right _) = Left u

        (Left u) <*> (Left v) = Left $ u ++ v
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