Who is afraid of arrows, was Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haskell XML Toolbox Version 9.0.0

Gregory Crosswhite gcross at phys.washington.edu
Tue Oct 12 16:21:30 EDT 2010

  On 10/12/10 12:39 PM, Gene A wrote:
> splitMiddle :: forall a. [a] -> ([a], [a])
> splitMiddle  =
>    (id &&& (length >>> flip div 2)) >>>
>    (\(xs,a) -> splitAt a xs)

But is that really easier to understand at a glance then

     splitMiddle xs = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs

?  It seems to me that while point-free style is nice and I personally 
us it extensively, sticking to it religiously can sometimes lead to code 
that is *less* clear.

Also, I don't see why one would prefer >>> over the standard function 
composition operator, ".".  Using this and uncurry you could actually 
make your point-free style definition much more succinct and arguably 
easier to read:

     splitMiddle = uncurry splitAt . ((`div` 2) . length &&& id)

> OKAY here is where the thoughts can come in to play and are a direct
> result of the pointfree style that is adopted as a direct result of 
> using arrow
> notation.   [...]

I completely agree with you that point-free style is nice;  I am 
certainly not arguing against it.  However, it can be over-kill, and 
there is no reason that I can see why using the arrow notation ">>>" in 
place of the standard function notation "." helps one write function in 
a point-free style.

> The other nice use of arrow is INSIDE of a monadic structure:
>  "Now is the time to come to the aid of our country" >>= (return >>> 
> words >>> concat)
> "Nowisthetimetocometotheaidofourcountry" [...]

Your use of a monad here both redundant and obfuscatory;  a much simpler 
version of this code is

     (concat . words) "Now is the time to come to the aid of our country"

> squeezeSentenceF
>   :: forall (f :: * -> *). (Functor f) => f [Char] -> f [Char]
> squeezeSentenceF css = (squeeze <$>) css
> squeezeSentenceF ["This is how to do a list of sentences",
>                               "It makes use of applicatives too"]
> ["Thisishowtodoalistofsentences","Itmakesuseofapplicativestoo"]
> [...]

You aren't really using applicative style here, you are just defining a 
shorthand for calling "fmap squeeze".  Also, your function could be 
expressed in point-free style as follows:

     squeezeSentenceF = fmap squeeze

>  I think that the more you mix and match ALL of the tools and
> do a little experimentation with them, that it then begins to be a 
> situation where
> your thoughts of how to compose things are not locked down to one way 
> and it
> opens up your mind to many possibilities.  I am a proponent of having 
> and using
> ALL the available tools in a mix and match way if need be.

I agree, but what I oppose is the choice of fancy tools because they are 
fancy rather than because they get the job done better than simple 
tools, because the fancy tools often carry a price with them over the 
simpler tools.


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