[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re-order type (flip map)

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Sun Oct 10 17:32:16 EDT 2010

> "The student has accidental given the arguments of map in the wrong order"

I am using "for = flip map" a lot, in code like

  for [ 1 .. 10 ] $ \ i -> ...

in fact that's one of my "most dearly missed" Prelude functions.

Note that we have Control.Monad.forM 

  forM [ 1 .. 10 ] $ \ i -> do ...

Oh, and while we're at it - are there standard notations
for "forward" function composition and application?

I mean instead of      h . g . f $ x
I'd sometimes prefer   x ? f ? g ? h 
but what are the "?"


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