[Haskell-cafe] Wondering if this could be done.

Ling Yang lyang at cs.stanford.edu
Mon Nov 22 16:55:09 EST 2010

Haskell does not play as well with overloading as one would do it in C++;
name used must be fully qualified.  Indeed, if we try something like

Indeed, if we try something like

data A = A Int deriving (Show, Eq)

test = A 3 unA (A i) = i

class Group a where (+) :: a -> a -> a

instance Group A where (+) x y = A $ unA x + unA y

we will get

Ambiguous occurrence `+'

It could refer to either `Main.+', defined at ****.hs:7:1
or `Prelude.+', imported from Prelude

Failed, modules loaded: none.

Haskell has its own brand of 'overloading': type classes. Every (+) sign
assumes that the operands are of the Num typeclass in particular. In order
define (+) on something else you will need to instance the Num typeclass
your A type.

I am not sure what you mean by "the stuff defined in class Num is meanless
A." Strictly speaking nothing needs to be defined in a typeclass declaration
other than the required type signatures.

To instance the Num typeclass with A, though, assuming that A constructors
something that works with Num, you would do something similar to what Miguel

data A = A Int deriving (Show, Eq)

test = A 3 unA (A i) = i

instance Num A where (+) x y = A $ (unA x) + (unA y) (-) x y = A $ (unA x) -
(unA y) (*) x y = A $ (unA x) * (unA y) abs x = A $ (unA $ abs x) signum y =
$ (unA $ signum y) fromInteger i = A (fromInteger i)

Look at fromInteger, which must take Integer as as argument. That may be
inconvenient for you. The Awesome Prelude, referenced in Chris's post, is a
of defining less specific version of basic types like Bool so that you have
more choices in defining things like fromInteger in the Num typeclass (which
must take an Integer; it is 'sad' if that Integer refers to a grounded,
specific type).

Still, if not every one of the Num operations make sense for your A type,
can leave them blank and get a warning.

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Magicloud Magiclouds <
magicloud.magiclouds at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>  For example, I have a data A defined. Then I want to add (+) and (-)
> operators to it, as a sugar (compared to addA/minusA). But * or other
> stuff defined in class Num is meanless to A. So I just do:
> (+) :: A -> A -> A
> (+) a b =
>  A (elem1 a + elem1 b) (elem2 a + elem2 b) -- I got errors here, for
> the (+) is ambiguous.
>  So, just wondering, does this way work in Haskell?
> --
> 竹密岂妨流水过
> 山高哪阻野云飞
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