[Haskell-cafe] doesDirectoryExist is always returning False

Marcelo Sousa dipython at gmail.com
Sat Nov 20 09:55:47 EST 2010


I'm having currently a problem with System.Directory in my mac os.
  System Version:	Mac OS X 10.6.5 
  Kernel Version:	Darwin 10.5.0

Prelude System.Directory> let dirTest = do {dir <- getCurrentDirectory; doesDirectoryExist dir}
Prelude System.Directory> dirTest 

I noticed also that I can't change the searchable field in the permissions record.

Prelude System.Directory> getPermissions "."
Permissions {readable = True, writable = True, executable = True, searchable = False}

I tried different versions of directory and filepath packages but with no success at the moment. 

Any suggestions?!

Marcelo Sousa
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