[Haskell-cafe] Re: Making monadic code more concise

oleg at okmij.org oleg at okmij.org
Wed Nov 17 03:08:46 EST 2010

Let me point out another concern with autolifting: it makes it easy to
overlook sharing. In the pure world, sharing is unobservable; not so
when effects are involved.

Let me take the example using the code posted in your first message:

> t1 = let x = 1 + 2 in x + x

The term t1 is polymorphic and can be evaluated as an Int or as a
distribution over Int:

> t1r = t1 ::Int        -- 6 
> t1p = t1 ::Prob Int   -- Prob {getDist = [(6,1.0)]}

That looks wonderful. In fact, too wonderful. Suppose later on we
modify the code to add a non-trivial choice:

> t2 = let x = coin 0.5 + 1 in x + x
> -- Prob {getDist = [(4,0.25),(3,0.25),(3,0.25),(2,0.25)]}

The result isn't probably what one expected. Here, x is a shared
computation rather than a shared value. Therefore, in (x + x)
the two occurrences of 'x' correspond to two _independent_ coin flips.
Errors like that are insidious and very difficult to find. There are
no overt problems, no exceptions are thrown, and the results might
just look right.

Thus the original code had to be translated into monadic style more
carefully: `let' should not have been translated as it was. We should
have replaced let with bind, using either of the following patterns:

> t2b1 = do x <- coin 0.5 + 1; return $ x + x
> -- Prob {getDist = [(4,0.5),(2,0.5)]}

> t2b2 = coin 0.5 + 1 >>= \xv -> let x = return xv in x + x
> -- Prob {getDist = [(4,0.5),(2,0.5)]}

After all, let is bind (with the different order of arguments): see
Moggi's original computational lambda-calculus.

Our example points out that monadifying Int->Int function as 
m Int -> m Int can be quite dangerous. For example, suppose we have
a pure function fi:

> fi :: Int -> Int
> fi x = x + x

and we simple-mindedly monadified it:

> fp :: Monad m => m Int -> m Int
> fp x = liftM2 (+) x x

We can use it as follows: after all, the function accepts arguments of
the type m Int:

> tfp = fp (coin 0.5)
> -- Prob {getDist = [(2,0.25),(1,0.25),(1,0.25),(0,0.25)]}

The result shows two independent coin flips. Most of the readers of
the program will argue that in an expression (x + x), two occurrences
of x should be _correlated_. After all, that's why we use the
same name, 'x'. But they are not correlated in our translation.

Furthermore, translating let as bind is suboptimal. Consider

> t3b2 = coin 0.5 + 1 >>= \xv -> let x = return xv in (5 :: Prob Int)
> -- Prob {getDist = [(5,0.5),(5,0.5)]}

although we don't use the result of a coin flip, we performed the coin
flip nevertheless, doubling the search space. We know that such
doubling is disastrous even for toy probabilistic problems.

These issues are discussed at great length in the paper with Sebastian
Fischer and Chung-chieh Shan, ICFP 2009.


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