[Haskell-cafe] Annual dutch functional programming day,
january 7 2011
Christiaan Baaij
christiaan.baaij at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 06:13:45 EST 2010
The annual Dutch functional programming day will take place soon:
Date: Friday, January 7th, 2011
Location: University of Twente, Enschede
During the day there will be several presentation related to FP-oriented research results, the use of FP concepts in industry, and the use of FP in education. Of course there is also plenty of opportunity to talk, exchange information, give demo's, and to meet old friends. Most participants are 'advanced' functional programmers; but those who recently developed an interest in all that is FP are of course more than welcome to join.
Tradition dictates that at the end of the day we will enjoy a dinner together with those who wish join (at your own costs).
You can register for the event by sending an email to me, Christiaan Baaij (c.p.r.baaij at utwente.nl). More information can be found at the website: http://caes.ewi.utwente.nl/External/NLFP
Please indicate if you want to give presentation, and if you like to attend the dinner afterwards. Please also register if you only want to participate, as we have to know for how many people we should order lunch. There is of course NO participation fee.
See you the 7th of January!
Christiaan Baaij
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