[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] intent-typing
Tillmann Rendel
rendel at informatik.uni-marburg.de
Tue Nov 16 05:59:15 EST 2010
Marcus Sundman wrote:
> Hi, how would one go about implementing (or using if it's supported
> out-of-the-box) intent-typing* for haskell?
A basic technique is to use newtype declarations to declare separate
types for separate intents.
module StringSafety
( SafeString ()
, UnsafeString ()
, quote
, considerUnsafe
) where
newtype SafeString = SafeString String
newtype UnsafeString = UnsafeString String
considerUnsafe :: String -> UnsafeString
considerUnsafe s = UnsafeString s
quote :: UnsafeString -> SafeString
quote (UnsafeString s) = SafeString s' where
s' = ... s ...
This module does not export the SafeString and UnsafeString
constructors, so we can be sure that no other code in the program can
invent SafeStrings which are not really safe. Every string can be safely
treated as unsafe, however, so we export a function considerUnsafe which
does so.
Now, if we type our interface to the outside world as
getInput :: ... -> UnsafeString
sendOutput :: SafeString -> ...
we can be sure that a return value from getInput needs to pass through
quote on its way to sendOutput, because quote is the only way to produce
a SafeString.
This guarantuees safety. It has, however, a practical problem: We can't
use the usual String functions on UnsafeString or SafeString values. For
instance, we can't concatenate two UnsafeStrings using (++).
A naive solution would be to provide separate (++) functions for unsafe
and safe strings:
append_safe :: SafeString -> SafeString -> SafeString
append_safe (SafeString x) (SafeString y)
= SafeString (x ++ y)
append_unsafe :: SafeString -> SafeString -> SafeString
append_unsafe (UnsafeString x) (UnsafeString y)
= UnsafeString (x ++ y)
Note that at least append_safe needs to be implemented in and exported
from the StringSafety module. That is a good thing, because this
function needs to be carefully checked for safety. The programmer needs
to prove (or unit-test, or at least think about) the following theorem:
If a and b are safe strings, so is a ++ b.
After this fact has been established, other modules are free to use
append_safe however they like without possibly compromising safety.
Now, the above approach should work, but is still rather impractical: We
need to copy the definitions of all String functions for unsafe and safe
strings. However, since the bodies of all these copies are actually
identical, so we can use parametric polymorphism to abstract over the
difference between UnsafeString and SafeString. One way to achieve this
is to use phantom types.
With phantom types, we declare only a single newtype for both safe and
unsafe strings, but we annotate that type with an additional flag to
distinguish safe from unsafe uses.
module StringSafety
( AnnotatedString ()
, Safe ()
, Unsafe ()
, quote
, considerUnsafe
, append
) where
data Safe = Safe
data Unsafe = Unsafe
newtype AnnotatedString safety = AnnotatedString String
considerUnsafe :: String -> AnnotatedString Unsafe
considerUnsafe s = AnnotatedString s
quote :: AnnotatedString Unsafe -> AnnotatedString Safe
quote (AnnotatedString s) = AnnotatedString s' where
s' = ... s ...
:: AnnotatedString a
-> AnnotatedString a
-> AnnotatedString a
append (AnnotatedString x) (AnnotatedString y)
= AnnotatedString (x ++ y)
Note that AnnotatedString does not really use its type parameter safety:
That's why it is called a phantom type. The data constructor
AnnotatedString can be freely used to convert between safe and unsafe
strings, so we better not export it from the module. Inside the module,
uses of the data constructor gives rise to proof obligations as above.
So the programmer needs to reason that the following is true to justify
the implementation and export of append:
If x and y have the same safety level,
then (x ++ y) has again that same safety level.
So now, we still have to write a wrapper around each string operation,
but at least we need to write only one such wrapper for all intents, not
a separate wrapper for each intent.
There is an inconvenience left: We can't concatenate safe and unsafe
strings, because both arguments to append need to have exactly the same
type. To fix this, we first have to figure out what the result of sucha
concatenation would be: It would be an unsafe string, because at least
one of the inputs is unsafe. We need to teach this kind of reasoning to
the compiler, for instance, using type families:
type family Join a b
type instance Join Safe Safe = Safe
type instance Join Safe Unsafe = Unsafe
type instance Join Unsafe Safe = Unsafe
type instance Join Unsafe Unsafe = Unsafe
The idea is that (Join a b) is the safety level of the result of an
operation which consumes data of safety level a and b. I called the type
family Join because the safety levels form a lattice, with unsafe levels
higher then safe levels, and the type family computes the join operation
for that lattice. So we are encoding a simple static analysis into the
type system here!
Using this lattice structure of safety level, we can give a more
polymorphic type to append:
:: AnnotatedString a
-> AnnotatedString b
-> AnnotatedString (Join a b)
The implementation can remain unchanged. Now, the programmer needs to
reason that the following statement is true to justify this type of append:
(x ++ y) is at least as safe as the least safe of x and y.
So to conclude, statically checked intent-typing can be expressed in
Haskell using newtype wrappers with phantom types, and possibly some
type-level computation on these phantom types to teach the compiler
domain knowledge about the intents.
PS. Crossposted to the haskell cafe, please consider dropping
haskell at haskell.org when answering.
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