[Haskell-cafe] Rebindable record syntax

Philippa Cowderoy flippa at flippac.org
Thu Nov 11 21:50:45 EST 2010

I stood up and suggested rebindable record syntax at Anglohaskell 
earlier this year, but never got round to posting a proposal. Given the 
TDNR discussion, it seems timely to link everyone to what I'd got round 
to writing:


Apologies for the lack of concrete examples: if anyone's interested I'll 
try to crank some out soon, specific requests would help. I probably 
don't have the energy to champion this properly on my own, so speak up 
if you think it's a good idea! Incidentally, I believe something similar 
has been proposed elsewhere - it's also possible I'd seen it before and 
forgotten before "rediscovering" the idea.

flippa at flippac.org

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