[Haskell-cafe] build-type: configure on windows

Nils Schweinsberg ml at n-sch.de
Thu Nov 11 06:23:21 EST 2010


I'm having a few problems with cabals build-type "configure" on windows, 
especially with the packages "curl" and "pcre-light". Both fail either with:

     configure: error: curl libraries not found, so curl package cannot 
be built

     Configuring pcre-light-0.4...
     cabal: Missing dependency on a foreign library:
     * Missing C library: pcre

Both libraries (pcre3.dll and libcurl.dll) are in my PATH variable, and 
I can build other non-haskell-applications which are using these via 
mingws gcc compiler. But still, somehow cabal seems unable to find them. 
Using the recommanded "--extra-include-dirs" and "--extra-lib-dirs" 
won't help either. Or is cabal looking for different files than those 
two .dlls?

Can anyone help me on this? Did anyone manage to build curl/pcre-light 
on windows?

My current configuration is MinGW/msys with gcc 4.5, ghc 6.12.3, 
cabal-install 0.8.2, cabal libcurl.dll and pcre.dll are the 
latest builds from the official webpages.

Thanks for any Help,

PS: Sorry for the previous (incomplete) mail.

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