[Haskell-cafe] Is Curry alive?

Gregory Crosswhite gcross at phys.washington.edu
Thu Nov 4 18:32:20 EDT 2010

  On 11/04/2010 03:06 PM, Dan Doel wrote:
> Implementing type inference can be very easy in a logic language, because most
> of the work in a non-logic language is implementing unification:
>    http://muaddibspace.blogspot.com/2008/01/type-inference-for-simply-typed-
> lambda.html
> 3 lines of Prolog to infer types for the simply typed lambda calculus with
> meta-variables (not counting the operator fixity declarations). I've written
> something similar in Haskell, and it's more like 80 lines of real code, a lot
> of which is implementing things that are simply part of Prolog's computation
> model.
> -- Dan

Cool!  Thank you very much;  that is exactly the kind of thing I was 
looking for.  :-)


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