[Haskell-cafe] MultiParamClasses question
Eugeny N Dzhurinsky
bofh at redwerk.com
Tue May 25 14:51:06 EDT 2010
Hello, all!
I'm trying to create set of polymorphic functions for working with custom
containers. I decided to try out typeclass and define generic function, which
uses the methods from the typeclass. The quick and naive solution is listed
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XTypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Data.List as L
class Storage k t a b where
stExists :: k -> t -> b -> Bool
stAdjust :: k -> t -> ( a -> a ) -> b -> b
stInsert :: k -> t -> a -> b -> b
stList :: b -> [a]
type IxPair k t = ( k, t, String, String)
data Pair = Pair { name, value :: String }
type IxPairParser k t = Pair -> Maybe (IxPair k t)
type RecordUpdateF r = String -> String -> r -> r
convertPairsToRecords :: (Storage k t a b) => b -> RecordUpdateF a -> IxPairParser k t -> a -> [Pair] -> [a]
convertPairsToRecords storg updateRecF parsePairF initRec = stList . processWithPairs
processWithPairs = foldl' ( (. parsePairF) . updateStorage ) storg
updateStorage st Nothing = st
updateStorage st ( Just (idx, sType, name, value) ) | stExists idx sType st = stAdjust idx sType (updateRecF name value) st
| otherwise = stInsert idx sType (updateRecF name value initRec) st
so I want to provide methods for checking if a record with given key exists,
update a record, insert a record and get list of records. Sounds similar as
for Map, but I want also to be able to operate on map of maps, or lists, or
I don't really see any problem with the code above, however GHC 6.12.1 does
think that I am doing something weird. And it gives me this error log:
Could not deduce (Storage k t a1 b)
from the context (Storage k1 t1 a1 b)
arising from a use of `stList' at test.hs:19:60-65
Possible fix:
add (Storage k t a1 b) to the context of
the type signature for `convertPairsToRecords'
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `stList'
In the expression: stList . processWithPairs
In the definition of `convertPairsToRecords':
convertPairsToRecords storg updateRecF parsePairF initRec
= stList . processWithPairs
processWithPairs = foldl' ((. parsePairF) . updateStorage) storg
updateStorage st Nothing = st
updateStorage st (Just (idx, sType, name, value))
| stExists idx sType st
= stAdjust idx sType (updateRecF name value) st
| otherwise
= stInsert
idx sType (updateRecF name value initRec) st
Could not deduce (Storage k1 t1 a b)
from the context (Storage k1 t1 a1 b)
arising from a use of `updateStorage' at test.hs:21:53-65
Possible fix:
add (Storage k1 t1 a b) to the context of
the type signature for `convertPairsToRecords'
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `updateStorage'
In the first argument of `foldl'', namely
`((. parsePairF) . updateStorage)'
In the expression: foldl' ((. parsePairF) . updateStorage) storg
Can somebody please advice, what am I doing in wrong way?
Thank you all in advance!
Eugene Dzhurinsky
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