[Haskell-cafe] Register now for: Haskell in Leipzig (Germany), June 4.

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Fri May 21 09:49:57 EDT 2010

Schedule and registration for the "Haskell in Leipzig"
meeting on June 4 are now on-line: http://www.iba-cg.de/hal5.html

It's our fifth meeting, and here are five good reasons to go:

* learn Haskell:
     attend tutorials for beginners
* get first-hand information:
     authors of Leksah, HXT, Hawk  give tutorials/talks
* share your expert knowledge:
     at lambda camp
* see beyond Haskell:
     learn dependently typed programming in Agda
* relax at BBQ party and listen to strange sounds:

The meeting is presented by http://www.fit-leipzig.de/ ,
in co-operation with http://www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/ ,
http://www.leipziger-medienstiftung.de/, http://www.iba-cg.de/

Best regards, Johannes Waldmann (for the Hal5 program committee)

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