[Haskell-cafe] making the GHC Api not write to stderr
lonetiger at gmail.com
Fri May 21 08:43:17 EDT 2010
I tried that, setting it to (\_ _ _ _ -> return ()) and it still did the
same, also tried setting it to undefined to see whether the code that's
printing the error is using it, and it didn't crash
So I assume it's not.
*VsxParser> getModInfo True
"" >> return ()
parse error on input `='
I think parseModule might still have a hardcoded print statement in it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Schilling [mailto:nominolo at googlemail.com]
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 12:53
To: Phyx
Cc: haskell-cafe at haskell.org
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] making the GHC Api not write to stderr
You could try changing the log_action[1] member of the DynFlags. A while
ago I turned most printed errors into some form of error message, but I
wouldn't be surprised if I missed some places. All output should go through
log_action, though, so try changing that to intercept any output.
On 20 May 2010 19:05, Phyx <lonetiger at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was wondering how to forcibly quiet down the API. I have a custom
> handler in place, but when I call the function on failure both my
> handler gets called and somewhere somehow errors get printed to the
> stderr, which I really need to avoid.
> My current code looks like
> getModInfo :: Bool -> String -> String -> IO (ApiResults ModuleInfo)
> getModInfo qual file path = handleSourceError processErrors $
> runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
> dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
> setSessionDynFlags $ configureDynFlags dflags
> target <- guessTarget file Nothing
> addTarget target
> setSessionDynFlags $ dflags { importPaths = [path] }
> load LoadAllTargets
> graph <- depanal [] False
> let modifier = moduleName . ms_mod
> modName = modifier $ head graph
> includes = includePaths dflags
> imports = importPaths dflags
> dflags' <- Debug.trace (moduleNameString modName)
> getSessionDynFlags
> setSessionDynFlags $ dflags' { includePaths = path:includes
> , importPaths = path:imports
> }
> parsed <- parse modName
> checked <- typecheckModule parsed
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