[Haskell-cafe] Bug with [Double]

Dmitry Olshansky olshanskydr at gmail.com
Wed May 19 06:08:20 EDT 2010


Prelude Data.List> [1,1+2/3..4] :: [Double]

Prelude Data.List> unfoldr (\n -> let n'=n+2/3 in if n' <= 4 then Just
(n',n') else Nothing) 1 :: [Double]

Prelude Data.List> takeWhile (<=4) $ iterate (+2/3) 1 :: [Double]

How 'dodgy' it should be to produce different result?
How [a,b..c] works in this case?

> 2010/5/19 Ivan Lazar Miljenovic <ivan.miljenovic at gmail.com>:
>> Dmitry Olshansky <olshanskydr at gmail.com> writes:
>>> Hello all,
>>> It seems that I saw something like this in Cafe recevtly. But I am not sure...
>>> In GHC 6.12.1 (Platform 2010 on Windows Vista) I have
>>> Prelude> [1,1+2/3..10]
>>> [1.0,1.6666666666666665,2.333333333333333,2.9999999999999996,3.666666666666666,4.333333333333332,4.999999999999998,5.666666666666664,6.33333333333333,6.9999999999999964,7.6666666666666625,8.333333333333329,8.999999999999995,9.66666666666666,10.333333333333327]
>>> -- It is a bug!
>> No it isn't, because of the dodgy Ord instance for Float and Double values.
>> --
>> Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
>> Ivan.Miljenovic at gmail.com
>> IvanMiljenovic.wordpress.com

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