[Haskell-cafe] [reactive] A pong and integrate

Patai Gergely patai_gergely at fastmail.fm
Tue May 18 17:48:42 EDT 2010

> Time has to be an external signal?
With the Simple version, yes. With the Param (and Delayed) versions it's
pretty much like the old one, where you have to pass something (delta
time being one possibility) as an additional parameter, and all stateful
and transfer nodes will see it.

> I saw dow uses the Simple experimental branch, and I don't see how you
> synchronize elerea with GLFW (what is done by driveNetwork in the Chase
> and Breakout examples which use the main branch).
DoW doesn't use any notion of time for the game logic, so there's no
need to synchronise. The game speed is determined by the amount of sleep
per frame.


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