[Haskell-cafe] [reactive] A pong and integrate

Limestraël limestrael at gmail.com
Mon May 17 16:36:08 EDT 2010

I looked at elerea. I found it simple and nice!
I just regret the fact that the SignalMonad can only be run inside IO. With
reactive, you can transform signals in pure code.

> I suggest unpacking the source of
> dow and executing it in ghci, the problem will be obvious as you play at
> length.

Yes, as no optimization is done? But as long as you compile the code, you
don't have such a problem?

> Unfortunately, Elerea doesn't really work well as an EDSL,
> however much I'd like it to. Its main issue is that unreferenced
> entities keep using CPU time until they are garbage collected -- this
> comes from the necessity to keep them referentially transparent

Does reactive work elsewise?

I know that every FRP framework will have its own hiccups, as it is a domain
which is still in development, but still, I found the time-leak bug (if it
is a bug) in reactive very weird.

2010/5/17 Patai Gergely <patai_gergely at fastmail.fm>

> > I did not look thoroughly at elerea, but at least, when I tried its
> sample
> > "dungeons of wor" it worked properly ;)
> Elerea has its own 'beauty' though. I suggest unpacking the source of
> dow and executing it in ghci, the problem will be obvious as you play at
> length. Unfortunately, Elerea doesn't really work well as an EDSL,
> however much I'd like it to. Its main issue is that unreferenced
> entities keep using CPU time until they are garbage collected -- this
> comes from the necessity to keep them referentially transparent, i.e.
> behaving the same way regardless of how they are observed --, and
> currently I don't see any way to solve that without implementing a
> dedicated runtime for dynamic stream processing.
> So there, no FRP library without a catch for you. ;)
> Gergely
> --
> http://www.fastmail.fm - A fast, anti-spam email service.
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