[Haskell-cafe] Monadic style with Streams (as in Data.Array.Parallel.Stream)

Mark Wassell mwassell at bigpond.net.au
Sat May 15 21:54:13 EDT 2010


This possibly might go against the spirit of what Stream programming is 
about but I having difficulties converting an imperative algorithm [1] 
into Haskell and think it would be easier if I was able to write it in a 
monadic style with operations to read and write from and to the streams.

I first tried to approach it by delving into the innards of other Stream 
functions to devise what I needed. I only got so far and the sticking 
point was defining the Monad. I then approached it from the Monad side 
and although what I have is workable, it probably isn't going to perform 
(for one it uses fromStream and tailS on each read off the front of the 


1. Is this monadic style within the spirit of what Stream programming is 
2. Is there anyway to do this more elegantly and without the user of 
fromStream and tailS, for example.

This is the workable solution I have:

module StreamMonad where

import Data.Array.Parallel.Stream

import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State

instance Monoid (Stream a) where
         mempty = emptyS
         mappend = (+++)

type SM a b c = StateT (Stream a) (Writer (Stream b)) c

readS :: SM a b a
readS = do
            s <- get
            let a = head $ fromStream s
            put $ tailS s
            return a

writeS :: b -> SM a b ()
writeS x = tell $ singletonS x

t1' :: SM (Int,Int) Int ()
t1' = mapM_ (\_ -> do
            (x,y) <- readS
            writeS x
            writeS y) [1..2]

t1 = fromStream $ snd $ runWriter $ runStateT t1' $ toStream [(1,2),(3,4)]

-- At least this works ..
t2 = fromStream $ snd $ runWriter $ runStateT t1' $ toStream 
[(2*x-1,2*x) | x <- [1..] ]



[1] The arithmentic coding and decoding algorithms given in 

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