[Haskell-cafe] MultiParamTypeClasses,
FunctionalDependencies and FlexibleInstances using GHCi
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Fri May 14 09:46:04 EDT 2010
On Friday 14 May 2010 15:32:10, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello Julian,
> Friday, May 14, 2010, 4:18:42 PM, you wrote:
> > Now, if I type
> >
> >> 3 + 4
> >
> > it does not work, and i really don't understand why. If i ask GHCi
> > for 3's type ($ :t 3) it will answer "3 :: (Prelude.Num t) => t".
> > But, if 3 and 4 are Prelude.Nums and there is an instanfe Num x x x
> > for x of Prelude.Num - than why can't GHC deduce from the
> > definitions that 3 and 4, both Prelude.Nums, can be used with (+)
> > since there is an instance for Prelude.Num and my class Num - and
> > the result will of course be something of Prelude.Num?
> because 3 and 4 may have different types. Num is a class, Int is a
> concrete type. 3 without additional type signature is polymorphic
> value. usually type inference deduce types of numeric constants (that
> all are polymorphic) from context but in your case it's impossible
> your functional dependency allows to fix result type once parameter
> types are known, but not other way
> you appeal to *instance* definition but haskell/ghc type inference
> can't use instance heads to deduce types since classes are open and
> anyone can add later code that breaks your assumption (imagine that
> ghc generates code for your module and later this module is imported by
> someone else and additional instances are provided)
instance (Prelude.Num x) => Num x Prelude.Integer x where
a + b = a Prelude.* Prelude.fromInteger b
*Main> 3 + (4 :: Prelude.Integer) :: Prelude.Double
*Main> 3 + (4 :: Prelude.Integer) :: Prelude.Integer
Overlapping instances for Num
Prelude.Integer Prelude.Integer
arising from a use of `+' at <interactive>:1:0-25
Matching instances:
instance (Prelude.Num x) => Num x x x
-- Defined at NClass.hs:7:9-36
instance (Prelude.Num x) => Num x Prelude.Integer x
-- Defined at NClass.hs:10:9-50
In the expression: 3 + (4 :: Prelude.Integer) :: Prelude.Integer
In the definition of `it':
it = 3 + (4 :: Prelude.Integer) :: Prelude.Integer
> btw, quite popular problem, it arrives here each month or so :)
> there are some ghc pragmas that somewhat break this rule, you may try
> allow-indecidable-insances or so. but it's dangerous way
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