[Haskell-cafe] corner case in Text.JSON 0.4.3

Iavor Diatchki iavor.diatchki at gmail.com
Wed May 12 16:21:06 EDT 2010

I think it was probably I who wrote this, so I'll take the blame :-)
It seems like a genuine bug, where we are not checking for strings
that are not terminated.  Thanks for spotting it, and also for the
patch!  I'll try to update the package soon.

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:53 PM, Martin Hilbig <martin at mhilbig.de> wrote:
> hi,
> since i got no answer from the maintainer, maybe someone else can take care
> of it, or at least point out, what i did wrong.
> so, i recently stumbled upon some error while using Text.JSON 0.4.3 [1]:
>  Text/JSON/String.hs:(127,4)-(137,49): Non-exhaustive patterns in case
> indeed ghc warned:
>  [5 of 7] Compiling Text.JSON.String ( Text/JSON/String.hs,
> dist/build/Text/JSON/String.o )
>  Text/JSON/String.hs:127:4:
>      Warning: Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
>               In a case alternative: Patterns not matched: []
> from looking at the code i couldn't see how this would ever happen, but you
> can reproduce it be running the files from [2]:
>  $ ./test < problem
>  Ok (JSArray [JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "this"}),JSString
> (JSONString {fromJSString = "is"}),JSString (JSONString {fromJSString =
> "some"}),JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "json"}),JSObject (JSONObject
> {fromJSObject = [("that",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString =
> "works"}))]})])
> test: Text/JSON/String.hs:(127,4)-(137,49): Non-exhaustive patterns in case
> the patch i put there fixes it (at least for me) to return an Error instead
> of dying:
>  $ ./test < problem
>  Ok (JSArray [JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "this"}),JSString
> (JSONString {fromJSString = "is"}),JSString (JSONString {fromJSString =
> "some"}),JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "json"}),JSObject (JSONObject
> {fromJSObject = [("that",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString =
> "works"}))]})])
>  Error "Unexpected end of String: does"
>  Error "Malformed JSON: invalid token in this context not\"]"
>  test: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file
> have fun
> martin hilbig
> [1]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/json
> [2]: http://friendpaste.com/3IvnChRMoczf0mIKpOtrYE
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