[Haskell-cafe] Speed of Error handling with Continuations vs.
wren ng thornton
wren at freegeek.org
Tue May 11 21:28:41 EDT 2010
Max Cantor wrote:
> Based on some discussions in #haskell, it seemed to be a consensus
> that using a modified continuation monad for Error handling instead
> of Eithers would be a significant optimization since it would
> eliminate a lot of conditional branching (everytime >>= is called
> in the Either monad, there is a conditional.
> I implemented a ErrCPS monad which does exactly that, but the speed
> has been disappointing. It runs almost exactly 3x slower than a
> drop in replacement using the MonadError instance of Either from mtl.
I have noticed speedup in my CPS version of Maybe[1] (kidnapped from the
Wiki) so the difference is curious. Jan-Willem's comments about closures
are significant when doing CPS work, but I'd expect Maybe and Either to
perform similarly, whatever their performance is. It's been a while
since I've benchmarked MaybeCPS, so perhaps I now have the slowdown too.
Let's look at the code and see if we can find other differences...
Here's one big difference:
>> newtype ErrCPS e m a = ErrCPS { runErrCPS ::
>> forall r . (e -> m r) -- error handler
>> -> (a -> m r) -- success handler
>> -> m r }
The analogous version I use is:
newtype MaybeCPS a = MaybeCPS
(forall r. (a -> Maybe r) -> Maybe r)
While I also offer a transformer version of MaybeCPS, the transformer
*does* suffer from significant slowdown. Also, for MaybeCPS it's better
to leave the handlers inline in client code rather than to abstract them
out; that helps to keep things concrete. So perhaps you should first try
a direct CPS translation:
newtype ErrCPS e a = ErrCPS
(forall r. (a -> Either e r) -> Either e r)
runErrCPS :: ErrCPS e a -> Either e a
runErrCPS (ErrCPS f) = f return
I'd be curious if this version suffers the same slowdown.
Live well,
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