[Haskell-cafe] IO (Either a Error) question
Ryan Ingram
ryani.spam at gmail.com
Sat May 1 17:42:26 EDT 2010
Check out ErrorT in Control.Monad.Error
> :t ErrorT
ErrorT :: m (Either e a) -> ErrorT e m a
> :info ErrorT
instance (Monad m, Error e) => Monad (ErrorT e m)
> :info Error
class Error e where
noMsg :: e
strMsg :: String -> e
So, if you can make your Error type an instance of this class, you can do this:
runCalc = runErrorT (ErrorT (func1 p) >>= ErrorT . func2)
The restriction to the typeclass Error is to allow implementation of
the "fail" method in Monad.
-- ryan
2010/5/1 Eugeny N Dzhurinsky <bofh at redwerk.com>:
> Hello!
> I have some sort of strange question:
> assume that there are 2 functions
> func1 :: Int -> IO (Either Error String)
> func2 :: String -> IO (Either Error [String])
> in case if there will be no IO involved, I could use
> Control.Monad.Either and write something like
> runCalc :: Int -> IO (Either Error [String])
> runCalc param = func1 param >>= func2
> but with that IO stuff I can't simply do in this way. Can somebody please
> suggest, how to combine IO and Either monads, if that's even possible?
> Thank you in advance!
> --
> Eugene Dzhurinsky
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