[Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional Dependencies Help

John Creighton johns243a at gmail.com
Sat May 1 12:16:47 EDT 2010

On Apr 30, 6:18 pm, John Creighton <johns2... at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 29, 7:47 am, John Creighton <johns2... at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've been trying to apply some stuff I learned about functional
> > dependencies, but I run into one of two problems. I either end up with
> > inconsistent dependencies (OverlappingInstances  doesn't seem to
> > apply) or I end up with infinite recursion. I want to be able to do
> > simple things like if a is a subset of b and b is a subset of c then a
> > is a subset of c. If a is a is a subset of b and b is a c then a is a
> > c.
> > Before I added the equality functions I had infinite recursion. Once I
> > put them them in then I have trouble with overlapping instances.
> I've been doing some reading and I think the following is an
> improvement but I end up hanging the compiler so I can't tell what the
> errors are. I'll see if their are any trace options that might be
> helpfully for GHC.

So bellow I'll post the latest version of my code but first the errors
which seem very strange to me:


could not deduce (IsSuperSet'
                     isanimal iseq isanimal iseq1 (a -> b -> c3) )
   from the context (IsSuperSet a b c2,
                     Typeeq a b iseq1,
                     TypeEq Animal b isaninmal,
                     IsSuperSet' isanimal iseq1 a b c3)
   arising from a use of 'isSuperSet'' at logicp2.hs:92:25-74
   Possible fix:
      add (IsSuperSet'
              isanimal iseq isanimal iseq1 (a -> b -> c3)) to context
of the declaration
      or add an instance delaration for
          (IsSuperSet' isanimal iseq isanimal iseq1 (a -> b -> c3))
   In the expression:
          (isSuperSet' (u :: isanimal) (u :: iseq) (a :: a)
(b ::b)) :: c3
   In the definition of 'isSuperset':
       isSuperset a b
                    = (isSuperSet' (u :: isanimal) (u :: iseq) (a ::
a) (b :: b))
   in the instance delaration for 'IsSuperSet a b c3'


Now what is strange about these errors, is the type signature haskell
is asking me to supply instance declarations for. For instance

      add (IsSuperSet'
              isanimal iseq isanimal iseq1 (a -> b -> c3)) to context
of the declaration

Why are the first and the third argument the same. Moreover why do the
third and forth arguments look like types related to my Boolean data
types. I see nothing in my code that could result in Haskell needing
this type signature. Also I'm not entirely sure about the (a -> b ->
c3). Is this the normal way for Haskell to show the type signature of
functional dependencies.  My code is bellow and was compiled on GHCi.


{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls,

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

data Noun = Noun deriving (Show) --15
data Verb = Verb deriving (Show) --
data Adjactive = Adjactive deriving (Show)

data Animal=Animal deriving (Show)
data Feline=Feline deriving (Show) --20
data Cat = Cat deriving (Show)

data Taby_Cat=Taby_Cat deriving (Show)
data T=T deriving (Show)
data F=F deriving (Show) --25
--data Z=Z
--data S i = S i
--type One = S Z
--type Zero = Z
class Isa a b c | a b->c where isa::a->b->c --30

instance Isa Animal Noun T where isa a b = T --

class Parrent a b| a->b where -- Specific Cases
    parrent :: a->b --

instance Parrent Cat Feline where --
   parrent a = Feline --40
instance Parrent Feline Animal where --
   parrent a= Animal --

class TypeOr a b c|a b->c where
   typeOr :: a->b->c
instance TypeOr T T T where
   typeOr a b = T --50
instance TypeOr T F T where
   typeOr a b = T
instance TypeOr F T T where
   typeOr a b = T
instance TypeOr F F T where
   typeOr a b = T

class TypeEq' () x y b => TypeEq x y b | x y -> b
instance TypeEq' () x y b => TypeEq x y b
class TypeEq' q x y b | q x y -> b --60
class TypeEq'' q x y b | q x y -> b

instance TypeCast b T => TypeEq' () x x b
instance TypeEq'' q x y b => TypeEq' q x y b
instance TypeEq'' () x y F

-- see http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/typecast.html
class TypeCast   a b   | a -> b, b->a   where typeCast   :: a -> b
class TypeCast'  t a b | t a -> b, t b -> a where typeCast'  :: t->a-
class TypeCast'' t a b | t a -> b, t b -> a where typeCast'' :: t->a-
>b --70

instance TypeCast'  () a b => TypeCast a b where typeCast x =
typeCast' () x
instance TypeCast'' t a b => TypeCast' t a b where typeCast' =
instance TypeCast'' () a a where typeCast'' _ x  = x

-- overlapping instances are used only for ShowPred
class EqPred a flag | a->flag where {}

                                  -- Used only if the other
                                  -- instances don't apply -- 80

class IsSuperSet a b c | a b -> c where -- General Definition
    isSuperSet :: a->b->c

--instance (TypeEq b Animal T,TypeEq c F T)=>IsSuperSet a b c where
--   isSuperSet a b = F --
instance (
           TypeEq a b iseq, --90
           TypeEq Animal b isaninmal,
           IsSuperSet' isaninmal iseq a b c3 --
         ) =>
         IsSuperSet a b c3 where --
         isSuperSet a b=(isSuperSet' (u::isaninmal) (u::iseq) (a::a)

class IsSuperSet' isanimal iseq a b c| isanimal iseq a b -> c where
    isSuperSet' :: a->b->c

instance IsSuperSet' isanimal T a b T where
   isSuperSet' a b = T

instance (
          Parrent b d,
          IsSuperSet a d c
         IsSuperSet' F F a b c where
         isSuperSet' a b = (isSuperSet a ((parrent (b::b))::d))::c

instance IsSuperSet' T F a b F where
   isSuperSet' a b = F

class ToBool a where
   toBool :: a->Bool

instance ToBool T where
   toBool a = True

instance ToBool F where
   toBool a = False


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