[Haskell-cafe] Do I need to roll my own?

David Leimbach leimy2k at gmail.com
Wed Mar 31 15:38:16 EDT 2010

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 12:24 PM, David Leimbach <leimy2k at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Gregory Collins <greg at gregorycollins.net
> > wrote:
>> David Leimbach <leimy2k at gmail.com> writes:
>> > to block or perhaps timeout, depending on the environment, looking for
>> > "some String" on an input Handle, and it appears that iteratee works
>> > in a very fixed block size.  While a fixed block size is ok, if I can
>> > put back unused bytes into the enumerator somehow (I may need to put a
>> > LOT back in some cases, but in the common case I will not need to put
>> > any back as most expect-like scripts typically catch the last few
>> > bytes of data sent before the peer is blocked waiting for a
>> > response...)
>> See IterGV from the iteratee lib:
>> http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/iteratee/0.3.1/doc/html/Data-Iteratee-Base.html#t%3AIterGV
>> The second argument to the "Done" constructor is for the portion of the
>> input that you didn't use. If you use the Monad instance, the unused
>> input is passed on (transparently) to the next iteratee in the chain.
>> If you use attoparsec-iteratee
>> (
>> http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/attoparsec-iteratee/0.1/doc/html/Data-Attoparsec-Iteratee.html
>> ),
>> you could write "expect" as an attoparsec parser:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
>> import Control.Applicative
>> import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
>> import Data.Attoparsec hiding (Done)
>> import Data.Attoparsec.Iteratee
>> import qualified Data.ByteString as S
>> import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
>> import Data.Iteratee
>> import Data.Iteratee.IO.Fd
>> import Data.Iteratee.WrappedByteString
>> import Data.Word (Word8)
>> import System.IO
>> import System.Posix.IO
>> expect :: (Monad m) => ByteString
>>                    -> IterateeG WrappedByteString Word8 m ()
>> expect s = parserToIteratee (p >> return ())
>>  where
>>    p = string s <|> (anyWord8 >> p)
>> dialog :: (Monad m) =>
>>          IterateeG WrappedByteString Word8 m a   -- ^ output end
>>       -> IterateeG WrappedByteString Word8 m ()
>> dialog outIter = do
>>    expect "login:"
>>    respond "foo\n"
>>    expect "password:"
>>    respond "bar\n"
>>    return ()
>>  where
>>    respond s = do
>>        _ <- lift $ enumPure1Chunk (WrapBS s) outIter >>= run
>>        return ()
>> main :: IO ()
>> main = do
>>    hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
>>    hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
>>    enumFd stdInput (dialog output) >>= run
>>  where
>>    output = IterateeG $ \chunk ->
>>             case chunk of
>>               (EOF _)            -> return $ Done () chunk
>>               (Chunk (WrapBS s)) -> S.putStr s >>
>>                                     hFlush stdout >>
>>                                     return (Cont output Nothing)
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Usage example:
>>    $ awk 'BEGIN { print "login:"; fflush(); system("sleep 2"); \
>>                   print "password:"; fflush(); }' | runhaskell Expect.hs
>>    foo
>>    bar
>> N.B. for some reason "enumHandle" doesn't work here w.r.t buffering, had
>> to go to POSIX i/o to get the proper buffering behaviour.
>> That's pretty neat actually.  I'm going to have to incorporate timeouts
> into something like that (and attoparsec-iteratee doesn't install for me for
> some reason, I'll try again today).

worked fine today...

> That leads me to another question in another thread I'm about to start.

And that other thread is not going to happen, because I realized I was just
having issues with non-strict vs strict evaluation :-)  It makes perfect
sense now...

gist is:

timeout (10 ^ 6) $ return $ sum [1..]


timeout (10 ^ 6) $! return $ sum [1..]

will not timeout, and will hang while

timeout (10 ^ 6) $ return $! sum [1..]

does timeout... and everything in the Haskell universe is nice and


> Dave
>> G
>> --
>> Gregory Collins <greg at gregorycollins.net>
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