[Haskell-cafe] Asynchronous exception wormholes kill modularity

Matthew Brecknell matthew at brecknell.net
Fri Mar 26 01:02:50 EDT 2010

Hi Bas,

Bas van Dijk wrote: 
> block $ do ...
>            modifyMVar_ m f
>            ...
> >From a quick glanse at this code it looks like asynchronous exceptions
> can't be thrown to this transaction because we block them. However the
> unblock in modifyMVar_ opens an asynchronous exception "wormhole"
> right into our blocked computation. This destroys modularity.
> We can solve it by introducing two handy functions 'blockedApply' and
> 'blockedApply2' and wrapping each of the operations in them:
> > blockedApply :: IO a -> (IO a -> IO b) -> IO b
> > blockedApply a f = do
> >   b <- blocked
> >   if b
> >     then f a
> >     else block $ f $ unblock a
> > blockedApply2 :: (c -> IO a) -> ((c -> IO a) -> IO b) -> IO b
> > blockedApply2 g f = do
> >   b <- blocked
> >   if b
> >     then f g
> >     else block $ f $ unblock . g

I think it might be slightly more complicated than that. Any call to
takeMVar or putMVar introduces it's own little wormhole, if it can't be
serviced immediately, regardless of the mask-state of the thread. This
is documented here (under interruptible operations):


And is confirmed by a simple test (with GHC 6.10.4 on Linux):

import Prelude hiding(catch)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception

main = do
  chan <- newEmptyMVar
  done <- newEmptyMVar
  kill <- block $ forkIO $ do
    (takeMVar chan >>= putMVar done)
      `onException` putMVar done "Exception received during takeMVar"
  forkIO $ do
    killThread kill
    threadDelay 2000000
    putMVar chan "No exception received during takeMVar"
  takeMVar done >>= putStrLn

So we currently have: (1) a state in which asynchronous exceptions are
propagated when execution blocks on an interruptible operation, and are
deferred otherwise; and (2) a state in which asynchronous exceptions are
not deferred.

I agree with the documentation that (1) is at least sometimes necessary,
but it might also have the same negative effect on modularity that you

So do we need a third state (3) in which asynchronous exceptions are
deferred, even if execution blocks on a takeMVar or putMVar? If so, is
the choice between (1) and (3) always localised, as in the example in
the above documentation? Or is that choice also subject to modularity


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