[Haskell-cafe] Re: Software Deployment and Distribution - WAS Re: CUFP mailing list

Erik de Castro Lopo mle+hs at mega-nerd.com
Mon Mar 22 19:34:18 EDT 2010

Günther Schmidt wrote:

> Hello Erik,
> the software I wrote and am about to sell was developed for use by 
> German Hospitals only. It's being used to calculate a departments share 
> of the revenues paid by the insurance companies for a case and needed 
> every 6 months by the hospitals when it enters budget negotiations with 
> the insurance companies. It could for instance not be used by Hospitals 
> outside of Germany.
> I think it is unlikely that the Hospitals would try to "hack" my 
> application but thanks for the concern.

Since the number of people wanting to use your application is small,
even the most primitve copy protection mechanisms would probably

Erik de Castro Lopo

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