[Haskell-cafe] stuck with a sample of "programming in haskell"

Michael Snoyman michael at snoyman.com
Wed Mar 17 00:22:45 EDT 2010


You can only use do notation if you actually create an instance of Monad,
which for Parser you haven't done. To continue as is, replace the first line

import Prelude hiding (return, fail, (>>=))

and the p function with

p = item >>= \x -> item >>= \_ -> item >>= \y -> return (x, y)

I've basically de-sugared the do-notation you wrote and hid the >>= from
Prelude so that the one you declared locally is used.


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 9:09 PM, 国平张 <zhangguoping at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am a beginner for haskell. I was stuck with a sample of "programming
> in haskell". Following is my code:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> import Prelude hiding (return, fail)
> type Parser a = (String->[(a,String)])
> return :: a -> Parser a
> return v = (\inp->[(v,inp)])
> item :: Parser Char
> item = \inp -> case inp of
>                   [] -> []
>                   (x:xs) -> [(x,xs)]
> failure :: Parser a
> failure = \inp -> []
> parse :: Parser a->(String->[(a,String)])
> parse p inp = p inp
> (>>=) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
> p >>= f  = (\inp -> case parse p inp of
>                                    [] -> []
>                                    [(v,out)]->parse (f v) out)
> p :: Parser (Char,Char)
> p = do x <- item
>      item
>      y <- item
>      return (x,y)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> But it cannot be loadded by Hug, saying:
> Couldn't match expected type `Char'
>      against inferred type `[(Char, String)]'
>  Expected type: [((Char, Char), String)]
>  Inferred type: [(([(Char, String)], [(Char, String)]), String)]
> In the expression: return (x, y)
> In the expression:
>   do x <- item
>      item
>      y <- item
>      return (x, y)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> I googled and tried a few days still cannot get it compiled, can
> someone do me a favor to point out what's wrong with it :-) ?
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