[Haskell-cafe] more thoughts on "Finally tagless"

Tillmann Rendel rendel at Mathematik.Uni-Marburg.de
Wed Mar 10 13:43:23 EST 2010

Tom Schrijvers wrote:
> William Cook's Onward! essay is relevant here. He characterizes the
> difference between objects and abstract data types nicely: the latter
> allow binary methods that pattern match (to exploit the combined
> knowledge of the internals of two different values) whereas objects
> only know their own implementation.
> Dictionaries by themselves are objects in Cook's sense: they are just
> a record of functions that cannot be inspected. We can have an
> infinite number of them (while we can only have one type class
> instance per sem type).

I agree that dictionaries can be seen as objects. This is an interesting 
point of view.

At first glance, dictionaries seem to be not that interesting objects, 
becaus the observation functions never return new objects, but only 
plain values instead.

However, we can use the object-like nature of dictionaries to produce 
new dictionaries in creative ways. For example, we could produce a 
dictionary by performing the operations in two dictionaries in parallel:

   evalProduct eval1 eval2 = EvalDict valProduct addProduct
       valProduct x = (val eval1 x, val eval2 x)
       addProduct (a, b) (c, d) = (add eval1 a c, add eval2 b d)

Of course, the same can be done with typeclass using a newtype.

In [1], we argue that this kind of code enables us to implement 
semantics of EDSLs as components, which can be composed etc. Since we 
used Scala, we had modelled dictionaries as objects. But with this point 
of view about dictionaries as objects, its the exact same story in 
Haskell, of course.

   [1] Hofer et al. Polymorphic embedding of DSLs. GPCE 2008.

> For a type class function like add :: sem Int -> sem Int -> sem Int,
> binary pattern matching seems essential for meaningful
> implementations, and hence objects don't make much sense. Would you
> agree?

Well, we could encode numbers as objects using church numerals, similar 
to how Cook uses characteristic functions for sets:

   data Number = Number (iter :: forall a . (a -> a) -> a -> a)

The val constructor:

   valNumber :: Int -> Number
   valNumber x = Number (\f -> iterate f !! x)


   add :: Number -> Number -> Number
   add (Number iter1) (Number iter2) = Number (\f -> iter1 f . iter2 f)

> the (sem a) values are not objects, and varying the dictionaries
> while keeping the sem type the same does not seem very useful for
> implementing different semantics.

We could use the Number objects to implement sem Int as follows. 
(Luckily, sem was always applied to Int in this reduced example, so we 
do not have to introduce non-parametric type-level functions):

   newtype Const a b = Const a

   evalAsObject :: EvalDict (Const NumberObject)
   evalAsObject = EvalDict valAsObject addAsObject
       valAsObject x = Const (valNumber x)
       addAsObject (Const a) (Const b) = Const (add a b)

We can often (always?) provide a sufficiently rich interface to our 
objects to support the same operations as with an abstract data type.

I am not sure what laziness does to the picture in Cook's essay. Could a 
thunk be seen as an object with force as the only observing function? 
That would mean that in Haskell, even algebraic data types behave like 
objects because we are not handling them directly, but rather their 
thunks. From this point of view, Haskell is purely object-oriented.


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