[Haskell-cafe] First time haskell - parse error!
Miguel Mitrofanov
miguelimo38 at yandex.ru
Wed Mar 10 05:14:58 EST 2010
Maybe it's just me, but I think composition chain is MUCH easier to read.
When readning, I'd probably transform the last version to the previous one by hand, just to make it more comprehensible.
Sebastian Fischer wrote:
> On Mar 10, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Ketil Malde wrote:
>> I think it is better style to avoid this kind of one-off named
>> values. I much prefer:
>> then "Golds "++show (gold s g)++...
>> For some reason, this is a style isse that doesn't get much attention
> At the end of the Section on function composition in the tutorial "Learn
> You a Haskell for Great Good" [1] there is a nice example demonstrating
> that sometimes it may be preferable to introduce names for readability:
> Quote:
> In the section about maps and filters, we solved a problem of finding
> the sum of all odd squares that are smaller than 10,000. Here's what the
> solution looks like when put into a function.
> oddSquareSum :: Integer
> oddSquareSum = sum (takeWhile (<10000) (filter odd (map (^2) [1..])))
> Being such a fan of function composition, I would have probably written
> that like this:
> oddSquareSum :: Integer
> oddSquareSum = sum . takeWhile (<10000) . filter odd . map (^2) $ [1..]
> However, if there was a chance of someone else reading that code, I
> would have written it like this:
> oddSquareSum :: Integer
> oddSquareSum =
> let oddSquares = filter odd $ map (^2) [1..]
> belowLimit = takeWhile (<10000) oddSquares
> in sum belowLimit
> It wouldn't win any code golf competition, but someone reading the
> function will probably find it easier to read than a composition chain.
> End Quote.
> [1]: http://learnyouahaskell.com/higher-order-functions#composition
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