[Haskell-cafe] Books for "advanced" Haskell

Günther Schmidt gue.schmidt at web.de
Sat Mar 6 15:49:22 EST 2010

Hello Dan,

sorry, I did not mean to single you out, I love your stuff. But I can't 
find the thread through it, I pretty much lack basics / fundamentals to 
digest it. But I do see *power* and it bugs the crap out of me that I 
can't grasp it yet.

One example was your response to my DSL posts on this list, where you 
said that in a way ever/any? monad can be considered a DSL. At that time 
I was totally unable to understand the sentence as such nor its 
significance. I kinda was focused on the "finally tagless" approach from 
Oleg for DSLs. Now that I do understand the significance of that 
statement I try to really figure it out. Mostly it finally occurred to 
me because of Heinrich Apfelmus's "Operational monad tutorial". Which I 
have no means of comprehending either because he's using GADTs.

 From your blog I got the impression that you focus on monads, but I may 
have gotten that wrong. You seem to be able to take this a very long 
way, without using much fancy type level arithmetic or elaborate class 
schemes. That gives me hope in a way because so far I'm not happy with 
serious type-level programming.

Right now I'm reading J. Hughes '95 paper "The design of a pretty 
printing library" which I believe I can grasp, may even before the years 

Would you consider creating a "guide" through your blog, something like 
"read this first, then that"?


Am 06.03.10 21:14, schrieb Dan Piponi:
> Günther,
>> A shining example are Dan Piponis blog posts.
> When you get stuck, post a comment saying where so that I can learn
> what people find difficult.
> On the other hand, I understand how intangible not-understanding can
> be, so it can be hard to point to where the problem is.
> --
> Dan

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