[Haskell-cafe] Re: GPL answers from the SFLC (WAS: Re: ANN: hakyll-0.1)

Maciej Piechotka uzytkownik2 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 16:45:24 EST 2010

On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 11:34 -0600, Tom Tobin wrote:
> After politely pestering them again, I finally heard back from the
> Software Freedom Law Center regarding our GPL questions (quoted
> below).
> I exchanged several emails to clarify the particular issues; in short,
> the answers are "No", "No", "N/A", and "N/A".  The SFLC holds that a
> library that depends on a GPL'd library must in turn be GPL'd, even if
> the library is only distributed as source and not in binary form.
> They offered to draft some sort of explicit response if we'd find it
> useful.
> Maybe it would be useful if Cabal had some sort of licensing check
> command that could be run on a .cabal file, and warn an author if any
> libraries it depends on (directly or indirectly) are GPL'd but the
> .cabal itself does not have the license set to GPL 

AFAIR AGPL can be linked with GPL (but not vice-versa) so Y can be on
AGPL (well - is AGPL a GPL in answer). 


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