[Haskell-cafe] Re: GPL answers from the SFLC (WAS: Re: ANN: hakyll-0.1)

Achim Schneider barsoap at web.de
Thu Mar 4 12:52:55 EST 2010

Tom Tobin <korpios at korpios.com> wrote:

> Maybe it would be useful if Cabal had some sort of licensing check
> command that could be run on a .cabal file, and warn an author if any
> libraries it depends on (directly or indirectly) are GPL'd but the
> .cabal itself does not have the license set to GPL.
Or are dual-licensed under GPL. That is, the license field in .cabals
should take a list or even bool ops, and cabal sdist should utterly
fail (as well as hackage) if code that depends on GPL isn't marked as

Note that this is a safety measure for the submitter: If the code is,
indeed, released to the public, it is (dual licesed) GPL, anyway, even
if that might not have been the intent.

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