[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANN: bitspeak 0.0.1

Richard O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Wed Jun 23 18:57:24 EDT 2010

On Jun 22, 2010, at 1:26 PM, MaurĂ­ cio CA wrote:
> Sure, Huffman was actually my first tought. But I couldn't think
> of a pratical display for the result of Huffman encoding that
> could be easily followed by a human looking at the screen. Since
> it's an optimal code, letters would not be grouped in alphabetical
> order.

There is a compromise.
There is such a thing as an ORDERED Huffman code.
Consider a set of strings.
If they call begin with the same first letter,
assume that letter and consider the suffixes instead.
Otherwise, choose a letter L such that
	as close as possible to half of the strings begin
	with a letter preceding L in the alphabet
	as close as possible to half of the strings begin
	with the letter L or a later letter.

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