[Haskell-cafe] Has anybody tried to upgrade Cabal on HP (Win 7)

Daniel Kahlenberg d.kahlenberg at googlemail.com
Fri Jun 18 11:53:39 EDT 2010

On 18.06.2010 17:07, JP Moresmau wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 4:48 PM, Daniel Kahlenberg
> <d.kahlenberg at googlemail.com <mailto:d.kahlenberg at googlemail.com>> wrote:

>     Prelude System.Cmd>
>     > rawSystem "cabal" ["upgrade", "--constraint=base==4.*", "directory",
>     > "-v3", "--user",
>     > "--build-log=d:/temp/log/build-$$pkgid-$$compiler.log"]
> I see on the gcc command line:
> -IC:\\Program Files (x86)\\Haskell Platform\\2010.1.0.0/include

So, is it a bug in the cabal file?? Proposing
> include-dirs: include
had to be something like:
> if os(windows) {
>  include-dirs: lib/include
> } else {
>  include-dirs: include
> }
> On my machine, HsFFI.h is in lib/include, so maybe try with --extra-include-dirs=-IC:\\Program Files (x86)\\Haskell Platform\\2010.1.0.0\\lib\\include

Cool! To be more exact in my case it was:
--extra-include-dirs=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Haskell

> I also ran into problems with the directory package on windows, that I
> got around by making sure every thing was installed with --global

You're right. I guess, this is intended and won't be changed? Because
directory is kind of core package, right? Installing it in the user
package data file would complicate things more than it would help to
keep things on different access levels?

As a general question this means, certain packages won't ever be
installable without special access rights on a standard system, on the
other side one could simply install the HP and global packages to a
writable folder (against the proposed one on a Windows system), although
my experiences didn't left me very optimistic about non-standard
solutions in this case.

On the other hand, one could upgrade GHC manually or wait for the next
HP, where the above mentioned objections counted too, though seem weaker.


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