[Haskell-cafe] Vague: Assembly line process

Bas van Dijk v.dijk.bas at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 03:36:21 EDT 2010

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 9:26 PM, Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 7:23 PM, Martin Drautzburg
> <Martin.Drautzburg at web.de> wrote:
>> When I know my supplies I want to know what I can produce. When I know what I
>> want to produce I want to know what supplies I need for that. Both kinds of
>> questions should be answered by a singe Process thingy.
> Your Process thingy reminds me of a natural isomorphism:
> data Iso a b = Iso { ab :: a -> b
>                   , ba :: b -> a
>                   }
>> I want to be able to chain processes and the whole thing should still act like
>> a Process.
> These isomorphisms can be chained together using the standard Category
> method '.':
> import qualified Control.Category as C
> instance C.Category Iso where
>   id = Iso id id
>   Iso bc cb . Iso ab ba = Iso (bc . ab) (ba . cb)

I couldn't help to generalize this a bit:

-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, UnicodeSyntax #-}

import Control.Category
import Control.Arrow
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))

data Iso (⇝) a b = Iso { ab ∷ a ⇝ b
                       , ba ∷ b ⇝ a

type IsoFunc = Iso (→)

instance Category (⇝) ⇒ Category (Iso (⇝)) where
   id = Iso id id
   Iso bc cb . Iso ab ba = Iso (bc . ab) (ba . cb)

An 'Iso (⇝)' also _almost_ forms an Arrow (if (⇝) forms an Arrow):

instance Arrow (⇝) ⇒ Arrow (Iso (⇝)) where
    arr f = Iso (arr f) undefined

    first  (Iso ab ba) = Iso (first  ab) (first  ba)
    second (Iso ab ba) = Iso (second ab) (second ba)
    Iso ab ba *** Iso cd dc = Iso (ab *** cd) (ba *** dc)
    Iso ab ba &&& Iso ac ca = Iso (ab &&& ac) (ba . arr fst)
                                       -- or: (ca . arr snd)

But note the unfortunate 'undefined' in the definition of 'arr'.

This seems to suggest that all the methods besides 'arr' need to move
to a separate type class. Maybe something like:

class Category (⇝) ⇒ Arrow (⇝) where
    arr ∷ (a → b) → (a ⇝ b)

class Category (⇝) ⇒ Pass (⇝) where
    first  ∷ (a ⇝ b) → ((a, c) ⇝ (b, c))
    second ∷ (a ⇝ b) → ((c, a) ⇝ (c, b))
    (***)  ∷ (a ⇝ b) → (c ⇝ d) → ((a, c) ⇝ (b, d))
    (&&&)  ∷ (a ⇝ b) → (a ⇝ c) → (a ⇝ (b, c))

Oh well...


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