[Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

wren ng thornton wren at freegeek.org
Sat Jul 31 00:00:49 EDT 2010

Alex Rozenshteyn wrote:
> I also found myself thinking about list as a monad in terms of this
> discussion.  I think it's an interesting case:  it's pure, but it doesn't
> really make sense to "come out of it".  Head, indexing, and last all break
> out of it, but none of them can be the default, and all of them require you
> to consider it as something more than its monad-ness.

The proper monad for nondeterminism is a set of values. If we think of 
the machine as a nondeterministic automaton, then this set is the set of 
current states in the machine. The bind operation represents taking a 
step (or multiple steps) in the automaton.

If we generalize this to a weighted set then we get a distribution 
monad. This corresponds to current states in a weighted nondeterministic 
automaton. In the limit case our weights are unit, in which case this is 
isomorphic to the nondeterminism monad. The next interesting step is 
discrete weights (which, in this case, is isomorphic to using a 
multiset), corresponding to counts of current positions in a 
nondeterministic automaton. If we allow continuous weights, then this 
brings us over towards probability theory, hence calling it the 
"distribution" monad.

If we generalize this to a (weighted) set of values annotated by the 
history of choices leading to their derivation, then we would get a 
path/proof (distribution) monad. This corresponds to the current set of 
(weighted) *paths* through a (weighted) nondeterministic automaton. The 
bind operation represents extending the paths. If we erase the histories 
in the set, then we get a multiset of values, which is why this is 
different from the distribution monad. Generalizing this further, We can 
also think of proof theoretic systems as automata which allow hyperarcs 
(i.e., arrows with multiple inputs). In this case, the histories in the 
path monad become trees instead of just linear chains. These histories 
are the proof trees for their values.


All of these monads have natural ways of exiting them. Set-theoretic 
operations generally make sense as corresponding operations on the 
underlying automata, though there may be a few that don't. 
Unfortunately, the list monad isn't any of these. It's closest to the 
distribution monad with discrete weights, since lists are close to 
multisets. However, lists have additional structure, namely they are 
ordered multisets (not ordered weighted sets), and the ordering has 
nothing to do with the type of the values. This ordering is why they 
have so many other weird ways of being manipulated. While lists form a 
perfectly good monad, they don't have any clean and elegant translation 
into automata theory that I can think of.

Live well,

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