[Haskell-cafe] Memory and Threads - MVars or TVars

Christopher Done chrisdone at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 29 02:33:07 EDT 2010

This could be useful: Beautiful concurrency by Simon Peyton Jones


On 29 July 2010 02:23, Eitan Goldshtrom <thesourceofx at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone. I was wondering if someone could just guide me toward some good
> information, but if anyone wants to help with a personal explanation I
> welcome it. I'm trying to write a threaded program and I'm not sure how to
> manage my memory. I read up on MVars and they make a lot of sense. My real
> question is what is "atomic" and how does it apply to TVars? I don't
> understand what atomic transactions are and I can't seem to find a concise
> explanation. I also saw some stuff about TMVars? But I can't find much on
> them either. Any help would be appreciated.
> -Eitan
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