[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANN: weighted-regexp-

Benedikt Huber benjovi at gmx.net
Wed Jul 28 18:47:09 EDT 2010

Sebastian Fischer schrieb:
> Hello,
> this year's ICFP features A Play on Regular Expressions where two 
> Haskell programmers and an automata theory guru develop an efficient 
> purely functional algorithm for matching regular expressions.
> A Haskell library based on their ideas is now available from Hackage. 
> For more information (and a link to the play) visit:
>     http://sebfisch.github.com/haskell-regexp/

thanks for the great paper and its unusual style, I enjoyed reading it a 

Taking a quick look at the PyPy blog post on JIT code generation for 
regular expressions, I thought it would be fun to implement a generator 
using the excellent LLVM bindings for haskell.

The attached prototype does not scale for larger regexp, is mostly 
untested and probably unoptimized, but is quite a bit faster than ruby 
and python's re, with the code generation core only spanning 25 lines.

Here is a biased (because the LLVM stuff needs to use bytestrings) and 
completely unrepresentative comparison for the "even number of c's" 
regular expressions:

 > ruby -e 'print("accbccacbc" * 10000000)' > test.in

 > # Using weighted-regexp- and the RE from the paper
 > time ./TestWeightedRegexp < test.in # using the RE from the paper
        58.34 real        56.65 user         1.10 sys

 > time ruby -e 'gets =~ /\A(?:[ab]*c[ab]*c)*[ab]*\Z/' < test.in
         7.42 real         6.23 user         1.03 sys

 > time ./TestRegExpLLVM < test.in # using the RE from the paper
         1.37 real         1.14 user         0.15 sys

For large regular expressions, the generated bitcode serves as a good 
stress test for LLVM's backend ;)

Anyway, really entertaining stuff, thank you.

cheers, benedikt
-------------- next part --------------
-- Demo: LLVM Regexp matcher; (c) 2010, Benedikt Huber <benedikt.huber at gmail.com>
import Prelude hiding (and,or)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Internal (toForeignPtr)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Foreign.Ptr (plusPtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import LLVM.Core
import LLVM.ExecutionEngine
import LLVM.Util.Loop
import LLVM.Util.File
import System.IO.Unsafe

data Reg c = Eps
         | Sym c
         | Opt (Reg c)
         | Alt (Reg c) (Reg c)
         | Seq (Reg c) (Reg c)
         | Rep (Reg c)

empty :: Reg c -> Bool
empty r = case r of
  Sym _ -> False
  Alt r1 r2 -> empty r1 || empty r2
  Seq r1 r2 -> empty r1 && empty r2
  _ -> True

count :: Reg c -> Int
count re = case re of
  Sym _ -> 1
  Alt r1 r2 -> count r1 + count r2
  Seq r1 r2 -> count r1 + count r2
  Opt r -> count r
  Eps -> 0
  Rep r -> count r

number :: Reg c -> Reg (c, Int)
number = (evalState `flip` 0) . numberM
    ticket = State $ \s -> (s,s+1)
    numberM re = case re of
      Sym c -> liftM (Sym . (,) c) ticket
      Alt r1 r2 -> liftM2 Alt (numberM r1) (numberM r2)
      Seq r1 r2 -> liftM2 Seq (numberM r1) (numberM r2)
      Opt r     -> liftM Opt (numberM r)
      Eps       -> return Eps
      Rep r     -> liftM Rep (numberM r)

finalStates :: Reg (c,Int) -> [Int]
finalStates re = case re of
  Sym (_,n) -> [n]
  Alt r1 r2 -> finalStates r1 ++ finalStates r2
  Seq r1 r2 -> [ v | v <- finalStates r1, empty r2 ] ++ finalStates r2
  Opt r     -> finalStates r
  Eps       -> []
  Rep r     -> finalStates r

runOnString :: (Ptr Word8 -> Word32 -> IO Word32) -> BS.ByteString -> IO Bool
runOnString f bs = do
  let (fptr,offset,len) = toForeignPtr bs
  r <- withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> f (ptr `plusPtr` offset) (fromIntegral len)
  return (r > 0)

regexMatcher :: Reg Char -> CodeGenModule (Function (Ptr Word8 -> Word32 -> IO Word32))
regexMatcher re = do
  createNamedFunction ExternalLinkage "matcher" $ \string len -> do
    let arrSize = fromIntegral (count re) :: Word32
    arr <- arrayAlloca arrSize :: CodeGenFunction r (Value (Ptr Word32))  -- allocate arr
    forLoop (w32 0) (w32 arrSize) () $ \ix _ -> do                        -- memset all elements in arr to 0
      aptr <- getElementPtr arr (ix, ())
      store (valueOf 0) aptr

    top <- getCurrentBasicBlock                                           -- loop initialization stuff
    loop <- newBasicBlock
    body <- newBasicBlock
    exit <- newBasicBlock
    br loop

    defineBasicBlock loop
    first <- phi [(valueOf True, top)]                                    -- initially, first is True
    final <- phi [(valueOf (if empty re then True else False), top)]      -- initially, top is True if re accepts eps
    strIx <- phi [(w32 0, top)]                                           -- i = 0
    t     <- icmp IntEQ strIx len                                         -- exit if i==len
    condBr t exit body

    defineBasicBlock body                                                 -- Define the loop body
    strp  <- getElementPtr string (strIx, ())                             -- get character
    ch    <- load (strp :: Value (Ptr (Word8)))                           -- ch = str[i]
    generateRegexpCode re first arr ch                                    -- generate regexp matcher code
    final' <- genFinalStateCheck (finalStates $ number re) arr (valueOf False) -- check whether we are in final state 
    strIx_next <- add strIx (w32 1)                                       -- add 1 to string index
    addPhiInputs strIx [(strIx_next, body)]
    addPhiInputs first [(valueOf False, body)]                            -- first = false from second iteration on
    addPhiInputs final [(final', body)]                                 
    br loop                                                               -- and loop
    defineBasicBlock exit
    final_w32 <- zext final                                               -- LLVM bindings currently do not have Generic Bool
    ret $ (final_w32 :: Value Word32)
    w32 v   = valueOf v :: Value Word32

generateRegexpCode :: Reg Char -> Value Bool -> Value (Ptr Word32) -> Value Word8 -> CodeGenFunction r (Value Bool)
generateRegexpCode re first bitmask ch = genC first (number re) where
  genC :: Value Bool -> Reg (Char,Int) -> CodeGenFunction r (Value Bool)
  genC next nre = case nre of
    Sym (c,n) -> do tmp1 <- icmp IntEQ ch (valueOf (fromIntegral (ord c) :: Word8))
                    tmp2 <- and next tmp1
                    let nIx = fromIntegral n :: Word32
                    bp   <- getElementPtr bitmask (nIx, ()) 
                    r <- load bp >>= trunc
                    tmp3 <- zext tmp2 :: CodeGenFunction r (Value Word32)
                    store tmp3 bp
                    return r
    Seq r1 r2 -> do next1 <- genC next  r1
                    next2 <- genC next1 r2
                    next2 `or` (if (empty r2) then next1 else valueOf False)
    Alt r1 r2 -> do next1 <- genC next r1
                    next2 <- genC next r2
                    tmp   <- next1 `or` next2
                    tmp `or` (if (empty r1 || empty r2) then next else valueOf False)
    Rep r     -> do next' <- genFinalStateCheck (finalStates r) bitmask next
                    tmp   <- genC next' r
                    tmp `or` next
    Opt r     -> do next1 <- genC next r
                    next1 `or` next  
    Eps       -> do return next

genFinalStateCheck :: [Int] -> Value (Ptr Word32) -> Value Bool -> CodeGenFunction r (Value Bool)
genFinalStateCheck [] _ b   = return b
genFinalStateCheck (n:ns) arr b = do
  aptr   <- getElementPtr arr (fromIntegral n :: Word32, ())
  finalState <- load aptr >>= trunc
  tmp <- b `or` (finalState :: Value Bool)
  genFinalStateCheck ns arr tmp

evencs :: Reg Char
evencs = Seq (Rep (Seq onec onec)) nocs where
  nocs = Rep (Alt (Sym 'a') (Sym 'b'))
  onec = Seq nocs (Sym 'c')

main :: IO ()
main = do
    matches <- liftM ((unsafePerformIO.) . runOnString) (simpleFunction (regexMatcher evencs))

    input <- BS.getContents
    forM_ (BS.split (fromIntegral (ord '\n')) input) $ \line -> do
      putStrLn (if matches line then "Match" else "No Match")

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