[Haskell-cafe] An experimental Zipper using Thrists and first-class Labels. Help or thoughts?

Brandon Simmons brandon.m.simmons at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 12:52:53 EDT 2010

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 1:59 AM, Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Brandon Simmons
> <brandon.m.simmons at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I had the idea for a simple generic Zipper data structure that I
>> thought would be possible to implement using type-threaded lists
>> provided by Gabor Greif's thrist package:
>>    http://hackage.haskell.org/package/thrist
>> ...and the fclabels package by Sebastiaan Visser, Erik Hesselink,
>> Chris Eidhof and Sjoerd Visscher:
>>    http://hackage.haskell.org/package/fclabels
>> It would (ideally) work as follows:
>> - the zipper would consist simply of a tuple:
>>       (type threaded list of constructor sections , current "context")
>> - in the type threaded list we store functions (constructor with hole
>> -> complete constructor), so the
>>    "one hole context" is represented as a lambda expression where the
>> free variable will be filled
>>    by the current "context" (the snd of the tuple)
>> - we "go down" through our structure by passing to our `moveTo`
>> function a first-class label
>>    corresponding to the constructor we want to descend into. `moveTo`
>> uses this both as a "getter"
>>    to extract the next level down from the current level, and as a
>> "setter" to form the lambda expression
>>    which acts as the "constructor with a piece missing"
>> - "going up" means popping the head off the thrist and applying it to
>> the current context, making that
>>    the new context, exiting the zipper would be a fold in the same manner
>> After throwing together a quick attempt I realized that I'm not sure
>> if it would be possible to make the `moveUp` function type-check and
>> be usable. I'm still new to GADTs, existential types, template haskell
>> etc. and am stuck.
>> Here is the code I wrote up, which doesn't currently compile:
>> ----------------------------------  START CODE
>> -------------------------------
>> {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, GADTs #-}
>> module ZipperGenerator
>>    (
>>      viewC   --lets user pattern match against context
>>    , moveTo
>>    , moveUp
>>    , genZippers
>>    , zipper
>>    , unzipper
>>    , (:->)
>>    , ZipperGenerator
>>    , Zipper
>>    ) where
>> -- these provide the secret sauce
>> import Data.Record.Label
>> import Data.Thrist
>> import Language.Haskell.TH
>> type ZipperGenerator = [Name] -> Q [Dec]
>> -- the Template Haskell function that does the work of generating
>> -- first-class labels used to move about the zipper:
>> genZippers :: ZipperGenerator
>> genZippers = mkLabels
>> -- hide the innards:
>> newtype Zipper t c = Z (Thrist (->) c t, c)
>> -- returns the current "context" (our location in the zipper) for pattern
>> -- matching and inspection:
>> viewC :: Zipper t c -> c
>> viewC (Z(_,c)) = c
>> -- takes a first-class label corresponding to the record in the current
>> context
>> -- that we would like to move to:
>> moveTo :: (c :-> c') -> Zipper t c -> Zipper t c'
>> moveTo lb (Z(thr,c)) = Z (Cons (\a-> set lb a c) thr , get lb c)
>> -- backs up a level in the zipper, returning `Nothing` if we are already
>> at the
>> -- top level:
>> moveUp :: Zipper t c -> Maybe (Zipper t b)
>> moveUp (Z (Nil,_)) = Nothing
>> moveUp (Z (Cons f thr,c)) = Just $ Z (thr, f c)
>> -- create zipper with focus on topmost constructor level:
>> zipper :: t -> Zipper t t
>> zipper t = Z (Nil,t)
>> -- close zipper
>> unzipper :: Zipper t c -> t
>> unzipper (Z(thr,c)) = undefined --foldThrist ($) id thr c
> Hmm...I think you just need to change ($) to (.).  I haven't tested it.
>  But, if you have Thrist (->) c t, then what you have is a transformation
> from c to t, or more simply, c -> t.  So, conceptually at least, you just
> need to compose the elements in your Thrist.  ($) is application, but in the
> space of functions it is identity.  So, if you think the elements in your
> thrist as being values in the space of functions, you're asking for a right
> fold that is like, v1 `id` (v2 `id` (v3 `id` ...), which I hope you agree
> doesn't make that much sense.  So try this:
> unzipper (Z(thr,c)) = foldThrist (.) id thr c
> In the darcs source we use our own custom thrists for storing sequences of
> patches.  We have two variants, forward lists (FL) and reverse lists (RL).
>  In our parlance, we have foldlFL defined thusly:
> foldlFL :: (forall w y. a -> b w y -> a) -> a -> FL b x z -> a
> foldlFL _ x NilFL = x
> foldlFL f x (y:>:ys) = foldlFL f (f x y) ys
> We don't use Control.Arrow, so in our notation the 'b' in the type signature
> plays the same role as (~>) but in prefix notation, of course.  And we use
> (:>:) instead of Cons.  It's supposed to look like normal list cons but with
> an arrow pointing forward.  The cons for RL is (:<:).  Perhaps we should use
> arrow though, as I think that looks pretty nice.
> For comparison, here is the definition of foldThrist:
> foldThrist :: (forall i j k . (i ~> j) -> (j ~> k) -> (i ~> k))
> -> c ~> c
> -> Thrist (~>) a c
> -> a ~> c
> foldThrist _ v Nil = v
> foldThrist f v (Cons h t) = h `f` (foldThrist f v t)
> As you can see, our fold is a left fold and the thrist fold is a right fold.
>  I don't think a left fold will help you here, but you might keep it in mind
> as it should be easy to define for thrists, should you need it.
> Florent Becker created zippers for the darcs custom FL/RL types recently:
> http://darcs.net/src/Darcs/Witnesses/WZipper.hs
> Don't let the C(foo) in the types throw you off.  That's just a CPP macro
> that conditionally expands to foo or nothing depending on whether the type
> threading is turned on or off (cabal flag is -ftype-witnesses vs.
> -f-type-witnesses).  His approach is quite different than yours.  I should
> probably study the fclabels package.
> Thanks for the interesting code!
> Jason

Jason, thanks for the great response. I'll be interested to look at
the Darcs code you mentioned and to learn a few things. I left the
`unzipper` function unimplemented mostly out of laziness, but thanks
for the help on it.

After reading your reply and the type signature for `foldThrist` I
think it would be implemented as:

    unzipper :: Zipper t c -> t
    unzipper (Z(thr,c)) = foldThrist (flip(.)) id thr c

My main source of trouble is still with the `moveUp` function. I think
it shows that my idea is flawed.

I was thinking there could be hope for this if  `moveTo` worked only
on recursive constructors, so it would take a first class label of
type: (t :-> t). We could just use a plain list in that case.

But with that method we can't descend through mutually-recursive data
types, and the TH stuff from the fclabels package becomes less of a
good fit. If I'm going to be writing my own template haskell, I might
as well create an entire custom "zipper generater" in it.


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