[Haskell-cafe] Wildly off-topic: de Boor's algorithm

mokus at deepbondi.net mokus at deepbondi.net
Sat Jul 24 16:33:41 EDT 2010

Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Given a suitable definition for Vector2 (i.e., a 2D vector with the
> appropriate classes), it is delightfully trivial to implement de
> Casteljau's algorithm:
> de_Casteljau :: Scalar -> [Vector2] -> [[Vector2]]
> de_Casteljau t [p] = [[p]]
> de_Casteljau t ps = ps : de_Casteljau t (zipWith (line t) ps (tail ps))
> line :: Scalar -> Vector2 -> Vector2 -> Vector2
> line t a b = (1-t) *| a + t *| b
> Now if you want to compute a given point along a Bezier spline, you can do
> bezier :: Scalar -> [Vector2] -> Vector2
> bezier t ps = head $ last $ de_Casteljau t ps
> You can chop one in half with
> split :: Scalar -> [Vector2] -> ([Vector2], [Vector2])
> split t ps =
>   let pss = de_Casteljau t ps
>   in (map head pss, map last pss)
> And any other beautiful incantations.
> Now, de Boor's algorithm is a generalisation of de Casteljau's
> algorithm. It draws B-splines instead of Bezier-splines (since B-splines
> generalise Bezier-splines). But I think I may have ACTUALLY MELTED MY
> BRAIN attempting to comprehend it. Can anybody supply a straightforward
> Haskell implementation?

It took me a while to get around to it, and another while to work it out,
but here's what I've come up with.  First, here's a restatement of your
code with a concrete choice of types (using Data.VectorSpace from the
vector-space package) and a few minor stylistic changes just so things
will line up with the generalized version better:

 > import Data.VectorSpace
 > interp a x y = lerp x y a
 > deCasteljau [] t = []
 > deCasteljau ps t = ps : deCasteljau (zipWith (interp t) ps (tail ps)) t
 > bezier ps = head . last . deCasteljau ps
 > split ps t = (map head pss, reverse (map last pss))
 >     where pss = deCasteljau ps t

To generalize to De Boor's algorithm, the primary change is the
interpolation operation.  In De Casteljau's algorithm, every interpolation
is over the same fixed interval 0 <= x <= 1.  For De Boor's algorithm we
need a more general linear interpolation on the arbitrary interval
[x0,x1], because all the interpolations in De Boor's recurrence are
between pairs of knots, which have arbitrary values instead of just 0 or

Because of Haskell's laziness, we can also take care of searching the
result table for the correct set of control points at the same time, just
by clamping the input to the desired interval and pre-emptively returning
the corresponding 'y' if the input is outside that interval.  This way, to
find the final interpolant we only need to go to the end of the table, as
in 'deCasteljau'.  Unlike 'deCasteljau', only a portion of the table is
actually computed (a triangular portion with the active control points as
base and a path from the vertex of the triangle to the final entry in the

> interp x (x0,x1) (y0,y1)
>     |  x <  x0  = y0
>     |  x >= x1  = y1
>     | otherwise = lerp y0 y1 a
>     where
>         a = (x - x0) / (x1 - x0)

Computing the table is now nearly as straightforward as in De Casteljau's

> deBoor p      _ [] x = []
> deBoor p (_:us) ds x = ds : deBoor (p-1) us ds' x
>     where
>         ds' = zipWith (interp x) (spans p us) (spans 1 ds)

Making use of a simple list function to select the spans:

> spans n xs = zip xs (drop n xs)

Note that the algorithm does not make use of @us!!0@ at all.  I believe
this is correct, based both on the Wikipedia description of the algorithm
and the implementations I've seen.  De Boor's recurrence seems to require
an irrelevant choice of extra control point that would be, notionally,
@ds!!(-1)@.  This control point has no actual influence inside the domain
of the spline, although it /can/ affect values outside the domain (The
domain being taken as the central portion of the knot vector where there
are @p+1@ non-zero basis functions, forming a complete basis for the
degree @p@ polynomials on that interval).

This implementation makes the arbitrary but justifiable choice that the
extra control point be identical to the first, so that the position of the
first knot is irrelevant. It could alternatively be written to take the
extra control point as an argument or as a part of @ds@, in which case the
caller would be required to supply an additional control point that does
not actually influence the spline.

I initially found this result difficult to convince myself of even though
it seems very plausible mathematically, because it seems to indicate that
in general the position of the first and last knots are utterly irrelevant
and I never saw any remarks to that effect in any of my reading on
B-splines. Empirically, though, it seems to hold.  Moving an internal knot
at one end of a basis function does not alter the shape of that function
in the segment furthest opposite, which is basically the same effect the
first knot should have on the first basis function (and the opposite
segment is the only one that falls inside the domain of the spline).  It
still may be that I'm wrong, and if anyone knows I'd love to hear about
it, but I'm presently inclined to believe that this is correct.

Finally, the (very simple) driver to evaluate a B-spline:

> bspline p us ds = head . last . deBoor p us ds

And a nearly-as-simple driver to evaluate a NURBS curve (type signature
included not because it couldn't be inferred but because it takes a bit of
sorting out to understand, so I wanted to present it in a slightly more
digestible form):

> nurbs :: (VectorSpace v, Scalar v ~ s,
>           VectorSpace s, Scalar s ~ Scalar v,
>           Fractional s, Ord s) =>
>      Int -> [s] -> [(v, s)] -> s -> v
> nurbs n us ds = project . bspline n us (map homogenize ds)
>     where
>         project (p,w) = recip w *^ p
>         homogenize (d,w) = (w *^ d, w)

For example, a NURBS circle (0 <= x <= 1):

> circle :: Double -> (Double, Double)
> circle = nurbs 2 us ds
>     where
>         us = [0,0,0,0.25,0.25,0.5,0.5,0.75,0.75,1,1,1]
>         ds = [ (( 1, 0),1)
>              , (( 1,-1),w)
>              , (( 0,-1),1)
>              , ((-1,-1),w)
>              , ((-1, 0),1)
>              , ((-1, 1),w)
>              , (( 0, 1),1)
>              , (( 1, 1),w)
>              , (( 1, 0),1)
>              ]
>         w = sqrt 0.5

You can also split your B-spline just like a Bezier curve:

> simpleSplit p us ds t = (map head dss, reverse (map last dss))
>     where dss = deBoor p us ds t

The resulting B-splines use the same knot vector as the original and, in
general, will have many duplicated control points.  The ends of the
splines can be cut off as long as you leave @p+1@ repeated control points,
where @p@ is the degree of the spline.

Alternatively, you can do a bit more work in the split function and cut
the knot vector at the split point and insert @p+1@ copies of the split
point into the resulting knot vector:

> split p us ds t = ((us0, ds0), (us1, ds1))
>     where
>         us0 = takeWhile (<t) us ++ replicate (p+1) t
>         ds0 = trimTo (drop (p+1) us0) (map head dss)
>         us1 = replicate (p+1) t ++ dropWhile (<=t) us
>         ds1 = reverse (trimTo (drop (p+1) us1) (map last dss))
>         dss = deBoor p us ds t
>         trimTo list  xs = zipWith const xs list

    -- James

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