[Haskell-cafe] bounded ranges

Sebastian Fischer sebf at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Thu Jul 22 18:44:56 EDT 2010

On Jul 23, 2010, at 12:21 AM, Chad Scherrer wrote:

> bdRangeSize :: (Ix i, Bounded i) => i -> Int
> bdRangeSize _ = rangeSize (minBound, maxBound :: i)

Unlike intended, the `i` in the type annotation to `maxBound` is not  
the same as the `i` in the signature of `bdRangeSize`. You need to  
enable ScopedTypeVariables and explicitly quantify the type variable  
`i` in order to refer to it in the annotation of `maxBound`:

     {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

     import Data.Ix

     bdRangeSize :: forall i . (Ix i, Bounded i) => i -> Int
     bdRangeSize _ = rangeSize (minBound, maxBound :: i)


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