[Haskell-cafe] music-related problem
Dean Herington
heringtonlacey at mindspring.com
Thu Jul 22 00:32:03 EDT 2010
At 11:53 AM -0700 7/4/10, Michael Mossey wrote:
>Wondering if I could get some suggestions for coding this problem.
>A musical document (or "score") consists primarily of a list of
>measures. A measure consists primarily of lists of "items". We'll
>consider only one kind of item: a note. Items have a location within
>the measure. A note's
>location indicates both where it goes on the page (i.e. a visual
>representation of the score) and what moment in time it begins
>sounding (i.e. rendering the score in sound). My concern here is
>data Doc = [Measure]
>data Loc = ... (represents a location within the musical
> document including measure number)
>data Measure = Measure [(Loc,Item)]
> -- In the Meausre, we can assume (Loc,Item) are in
> -- ascending order
>Notes also have an end, when indicates when in time they stop
>sounding. See the 'end' field below. Also note the 'soundedEnd'
> 'tieStart' and 'tieStop' fields which I will explain.
>data Item = Note
> { pitch :: Pitch
> , end :: Loc
> , soundedEnd :: Maybe Loc
> , tieNext :: Bool
> , tiePrior :: Bool
> }
>There is a concept of "tied notes". When two notes are tied
>together, their durations are summed and they are sounded
>continuously as if one note. Ties have several uses, but one
>important one is to make a sound that begins in one measure and
>ends in a later measure, by tying notes across measures.
>The 'tieNext' field indicates if a note is tied to the following
>note (that is, the next note of the same pitch). 'tiePrior'
>indicates if tied to immediately prior note of same pitch.
>A chain of notes can be tied. Notes in the middle with have
>both tieNext and tiePrior set.
>In the event a note is within a chain of ties, its 'soundedEnd'
>field needs to be computed as Just e where e is the end of the
>last note in the chain. This information is useful when rendering
>the document as sound.
>My problem is:
> - given a Doc in which all fields have been set EXCEPT soundedEnd
> (all soundedEnd's are given a default value of Nothing)
> - update those notes in the Doc which need to have soundedEnd set.
> This involves chasing down the chain of ties.
>I can solve a simpler problem which is
>-- Given a note with tieNext set, and a list of notes, find
>-- the end Loc of the last note in the chain. Only notes
>-- with the same pitch as 'firstNote' are considered when looking
>-- for the chain of notes.
>computeSoundedEnd :: Item -> [Item] -> Loc
>computeSoundedEnd firstNote notes = compSndEnd (pitch firstNote) notes
>compSndEnd :: Pitch -> [Item] -> Loc
>compSndEnd _ [] = error "tie chain doesn't come to completion"
>compSndEnd p (n:ns) = if pitch n == p
> then if tieNext n
> then if tiePrior n
> then compSndEnd p ns
> else error "illegal tie chain"
> else if tiePrior n
> then end n
> else error "illegal tie chain"
> else compSndEnd p ns
>The thing that is hard for me to understand is how, in a functional
>paradigm, to update the entire Doc by chasing down every tie and making
>all necessary updates.
[Sorry to be coming so late to this thread. I'm catching up on old
Haskell e-mail.]
I agree with some of the earlier posters that your representation is
probably more complicated than needed. (BTW, a graph especially
seems like overkill.)
Nevertheless, given your representation, `soundedEnd` can be computed
idiomatically and efficiently in Haskell. As you showed, computing
`soundedEnd` for one item depends only on the item and those that
follow it. In an imperative language, we would compute the
`soundedEnd` values from the end to the beginning, storing the
results as we go. In Haskell, we can simply use a "foldr" pattern
and let lazy evaluation take care of the rest. (Unfortunately, in
this case the "foldr" is not quite so simple, due to the two levels
of lists--measures and items.)
I simplify the computation of `soundedEnd` by letting it be defined
always: For a note whose `tieNext` is `False`, the `soundedEnd`
value equals the `end` value. With this approach, `soundedEnd` has
type `Loc`. (In fact, its value could be computed (i.e., the thunk
to evaluate it could be installed) when the item is originally
created, thanks again to lazy evaluation.) Also, I eliminate
`tiePrior` because it's not needed for this demonstration.
import Ratio
type Duration = Rational -- Whole note has duration 1.
type Loc = (Int, Duration)
type Pitch = Char -- for simplicity
data Item = Note
{ pitch :: Pitch
, end :: Loc
, soundedEnd :: Loc
, tieNext :: Bool
deriving (Show, Read)
data Measure = Measure [(Loc, Item)]
deriving (Show, Read)
type Doc = [Measure]
computeSoundedEnd :: Doc -> Doc
computeSoundedEnd measures = foldr eachMeasure [] measures
where eachMeasure (Measure litems) remainingMeasures = Measure
(foldr eachLItem [] litems) : remainingMeasures
where eachLItem (loc, item) remainingLItems = (loc, item')
: remainingLItems
where item' = item{ soundedEnd = soundedEndFor
item' remainingLItems remainingMeasures }
soundedEndFor :: Item -> [(Loc, Item)] -> [Measure] -> Loc
soundedEndFor item litems measures
| tieNext item = case filter ((pitch item ==) . pitch . snd)
(litems ++ concatMap unMeasure measures) of
[] -> error "illegal tie chain"
(_, item') : _ -> soundedEnd item'
| otherwise = end item
unMeasure :: Measure -> [(Loc, Item)]
unMeasure (Measure litems) = litems
measureLength = 4%4 -- for simplicity
plus :: Loc -> Duration -> Loc
(m, o) `plus` d = let o' = (o + d) / measureLength
md = floor o'
od = o' - fromIntegral md
in (m + md, od)
li tied start pitch dur = (start, Note pitch (start `plus` dur)
(error "undefined soundedEnd") tied)
ni start pitch dur = li False start pitch dur
ti start pitch dur = li True start pitch dur
[a,b,c,d,e,f,g] = ['a'..'g']
-- In the following graphical representation:
-- * Each character position represents an eighth note.
-- * A capitalized note is tied to its successor.
-- * Note that the "B" line is musically dubious.
-- | | | g.|
-- | | | Ff. |
-- | E.|E.......|E.e |
-- | D.d. | | |
-- |c. c. | | |
-- | B.| |b.......|
-- | |A.A.A.a.| |
doc1 = [Measure [ni (0,0%4) c (1%4), ti (0,1%4) d (1%4), ni (0,2%4) c
(1%4), ni (0,2%4) d (1%4), ti (0,3%4) b (1%4), ti (0,3%4) e (1%4)],
Measure [ti (1,0%4) a (1%4), ti (1,0%4) e (1%1), ti (1,1%4) a
(1%4), ti (1,2%4) a (1%4), ni (1,3%4) a (1%4)],
Measure [ti (2,0%4) e (1%4), ni (2,0%4) b (1%1), ni (2,1%4) e
(1%8), ti (2,3%8) f (1%8), ni (2,2%4) f (1%4), ni (2,3%4) g (1%4)]]
main = print (computeSoundedEnd doc1)
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