[Haskell-cafe] A question about State Monad and Monad in general
Claude Heiland-Allen
claudiusmaximus at goto10.org
Fri Jul 16 04:58:54 EDT 2010
On 16/07/10 07:35, C K Kashyap wrote:
> Haskell without using any standard library stuff?
> For example, if I wanted an image representation such as this
> [[(Int,Int.Int)]] - basically a list of lists of 3 tuples (rgb) and
> wanted to do in place replacement to set the pixel values, how could I
> go about it.
Break the problem down into parts:
1. replace a single pixel
2. modify an element in a list at a given index using a
given modification function
3. modify an element in a list of lists at a pair of given
indices using a given replacement function
I had a stab at it. Without any standard library stuff I couldn't
figure out how to print any output, though - so who knows if the code I
wrote does what I intended.
The point is, it's libraries all the way down - so use them, study them
where necessary for understanding, and write them and share them when
you find something missing.
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