[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: jhc 0.7.4

Antoine Latter aslatter at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 17:01:53 EDT 2010

On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 1:47 AM, John Meacham <john at repetae.net> wrote:
> Announcing jhc 0.7.4! There have been a few major changes, the main one being
> that there is now support for a garbage collector. This drastically increases
> the number of programs which are feasable to compile with jhc.
>  http://repetae.net/computer/jhc/

Hi John,

This looks fantastic and fun to play with.

A few issues:

* running DrIFT on src/E/TypeCheck.hs fails with an illegal
bytesequence in hGetContents. I'm guessing that this is only an issue
when building DrIFT with GHC 6.12+, and that the file contains bytes
illegal in UTF8. I deleted everything funny looking in the file and
then it went smooth

* The way you use sed doesn't work with the BSD sed that ships with my
Mac Book. Installing GNU sed and using it works. Similarly, BSD find
doesn't know about '-name', so make hl-clean results in sadness.

* jhci works great, but jhc crashes when I try to compile something:
jhc test1.hs
jhc 0.7.4 (tokfekyuvi-27)
Finding Dependencies...
Using Ho Cache: '/Users/alatter/.jhc/cache'
Main                    [test1.hs]
[1 of 1] Main             (.............................................)
test1.hs:9   - Warning: defaulting:  t93 => Jhc.Basics.Integer
[1 of 1] Main             <..................................................>
Collected Compilation...
-- typeAnalyzeMethods
-- BoxifyProgram
-- Boxy WorkWrap
-- LambdaLift
jhc: <stdout>: hPutChar: invalid argument (Illegal byte sequence)

Again, this seems like the handle is in UTF8 mode and we're trying to
output something non-UTF8.

* cabal install has a --jhc flag, but it doesn't seem to work:
cabal install byteorder --jhc
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: internal error: impossible
I have jhc installed in a non-standard location (under ${HOME}/usr) so
I may need to have some environment variables set up. This is wil
Cabal and cabal-install 0.8.2

Keep up the good work!

I have an implementation for STRefs I threw together this afternoon
for jhc if you're interested. I can't test it properly, though, with
the compiler crash above.


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