[Haskell-cafe] does () match with a??
Hector Guilarte
hectorg87 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 21:54:42 EDT 2010
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 8:48 PM, John Meacham <john at repetae.net> wrote:
> Are you sure you are interpreting what 'die' should do properly? Your
> code makes sense if die should decrement your life counter and continue
> along, however if 'die' is meant to end your whole game, then there is
> another implementation that does type check.
> John
You're absolutely right, I sen't the wrong code, here's the "correct" one
and a little bit more explanation about what checkpoint does.
The result of die makes sense for the checkPoint function since there are
three cases for it:
1) The player died and has no remaining lifes. The game can't continue, I
just return Noting in the die function and in checkpoint make the
corresponding case.
2) The player died and has remaining lifes. The game can be retried with a
life subtracted. I would need to tell checkpoint that I died and I want to
retry, that's where I think the result is important, because of the next
3) The player didn't died, it finished the particular game and checkpoint m
equals m. Here I would need to see if the result of the game was different
from the result from die, and continue.
instance GameMonad Game where
extraLife = Game $ \l -> Just ((),l+1)
getLives = Game $ \l -> Just (l,l)
die = do
n <- getLives
if n <= 0 then Game $ \_ -> Nothing
else Game $ \_ -> Just ("player died",n-1)
checkPoint a = do
n <- getLives
case execGame a n of
Nothing -> Game $ \_ -> Nothing
Just c -> gameOn $ fst c
where gameOn "player died" = a >>= \_ -> (checkPoint a)
gameOn _ = a
Obviously this fails to compile because I'm returning a String and it
doesn't match with a either, but the idea of what I think I need to do is
right there.
Ivan Miljenovic told me to use error, and actually I though something like
that. in STM retry combined with atomically does something similar as what I
need checkpoint and die to do, and they use exceptions to accomplish it. I
really think that's the solution I want, but then I have another question,
when I 'throw' the exception in die and 'catch' it in checkpoint to call it
again, is the number of lives gonna be lives - 1?
Thanks for answering so quickly,
Hector Guilarte
Pd: Here's an example run of how my homework should work after is finished
printLives :: ( GameMonad m , MonadIO m ) = > String -> m ()
printLives = do
n <- getLives
liftIO $ putStrLn $ s ++ " " ++ show n
test1 :: ( GameMonad m , MonadIO m ) = > m ()
test1 = checkPoint $ do
printLives " Vidas : "
liftIO $ putStrLn " Ganamos ! "
lastChance :: GameMonad m = > m ()
lastChance = do
n <- getLives
if n == 1 then return ()
else die
test2 :: ( GameMonad m , MonadIO m ) = > m String
test2 = checkPoint $ do
printLives " Inicio "
n <- getLives
if n == 1
then do
liftIO $ putStrLn " Final "
return " Victoria ! "
else do
checkPoint $ do
printLives " Checkpoint anidado "
printLives " Vida extra ! "
ghci > runGameT test1 3
Vidas : 3
Vidas : 2
Vidas : 1
ghci > runGameT test2 3
Inicio 3
Checkpoint anidado 3
Checkpoint anidado 2
Checkpoint anidado 1
Vida extra ! 2
Inicio 1
Just ( " Victoria ! " ,1)
> John Meacham - ⑆repetae.net⑆john⑈ - http://notanumber.net/
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