[Haskell-cafe] Getting started
aditya siram
aditya.siram at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 11:39:37 EDT 2010
Yes there are a few more problems. Instead of point out each one here
is some modified code that does compile. Compare it to what you have
and let me know if you have questions:
type Title = String
type Artist = String
type Sold = Int
type Record = (Title, (Artist, Sold))
testDatabase :: [Record]
testDatabase = [("Jack", ("Waters", 2))]
newRecord :: Record -> [Record] -> [Record]
newRecord record dbase = [record] ++ dbase
getTitle :: Record -> Title
getTitle (title,_) = title
addSale :: Record -> Record
addSale (title, (artist,sold)) = (title, (artist, sold + 1))
recordSale :: Record -> [Record] -> [Record]
recordSale r@(title, (artist,sold)) sales =
case (Prelude.lookup title sales) of
Nothing -> error "This record does not exist"
Just x -> [addSale r] ++ (filter (\a -> (getTitle a) /= title) sales)
addRecord :: IO Record
addRecord = do
putStrLn "Please enter a title: "
title <- getLine
putStrLn "Please enter an artist name: "
artist <- getLine
putStrLn "Please enter the number sales: "
sales <- getInt
return (title , (artist, sales))
getInt :: IO Int
getInt = getLine >>= return . read
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Mrwibbly <Jackwaters89 at googlemail.com> wrote:
> I changed that line to say type Sales = Sales Record. But unfortunately it
> still fails to compile. Do you have any idea why this might be the case?
> -Jack
> aditya siram-2 wrote:
>> You said it didn't compile. I somehow missed that , sorry.
>> -deech
>> On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 11:06 AM, aditya siram <aditya.siram at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Does this code compile? The line "type Sales = Sales Record" for
>>> instance is wrong - it should be "data Sales = Sales Record".
>>> Additionally "recordSale" returns an Int, not [Sales].
>>> -deech
>>> On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Mrwibbly <Jackwaters89 at googlemail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> This really helped, but now I am trying to add a new track to the
>>>> database
>>>> using a menu but it won't compile. I have tried a lot of different
>>>> things
>>>> but to no avail.
>>>> When I get rid of the menu I am able to run, for example, newRecord
>>>> "This
>>>> Charming Man" "The Smiths" 1 []
>>>> This adds the data to an empty database but I can't seem to call
>>>> newRecord
>>>> again and add another record to the existing database.
>>>> Thanks for your help previously,
>>>> Jack
>>>> type Title = String
>>>> type Artist = String
>>>> type Sold = Int
>>>> type Sales = Sales Record
>>>> type Record = (Title, Artist, Sold)
>>>> testDatabase :: [Sales]
>>>> testDatabase = [(Sales "Jack" "Waters" 2)]
>>>> --recordSale :: Sales -> String -> String -> Sales
>>>> --recordSale title artist = (title, artist)
>>>> newRecord :: Record -> [Sales] -> [Sales]
>>>> newRecord title artist sold dbase = (title, artist, sold):dbase
>>>> recordSale :: Record -> [Sales]
>>>> recordSale record sales = sold + 1
>>>> main :: [Sales] -> IO()
>>>> main dbase = do
>>>> putStrLn "1 = Add a new record: "
>>>> input <- getLine
>>>> let x = read input :: Int
>>>> if x == 1
>>>> then do putStrLn "Please enter a title: "
>>>> title <- getLine
>>>> putStrLn "Please enter an artist name: "
>>>> artist <- getLine
>>>> putStrLn "Please enter the number sales: "
>>>> sales <- getInt
>>>> newRecord (Sales title artist sales []) dbase
>>>> Holger Siegel wrote:
>>>>> Am 01.07.2010 um 21:56 schrieb Mrwibbly:
>>>>>> I'm having real trouble starting this project. Basically I have to
>>>>>> create
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> record store that store information about artists and albums and also
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> number of sales that they have had. It also needs to generate a list
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> top 5 sellers.
>>>>>> So far I have: recordSale :: Sales -> String -> String -> Sales
>>>>>> where recordSale sales anArtist aTrack returns a modified version of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> sales.
>>>>>> Any help getting started on this would be gratefully received. I don't
>>>>>> want
>>>>>> answers, I just want help getting started.
>>>>> First, I would state explicitly what a record is: It is a tuple of an
>>>>> artist's name and a record's name
>>>>> type Record = (String, String)
>>>>> Now function recordSale has type
>>>>> recordSale :: Sales -> Record -> Sales
>>>>> This is the an "uncurried" equivalent of your definition. You can read
>>>>> it
>>>>> as "from a sales object you get to another sales object via a (sold)
>>>>> record". That already seems to be a good abstraction, but we can do
>>>>> better: If you flip the arguments, you get
>>>>> recordSale :: Record -> Sales -> Sales
>>>>> Now you can create a sale (recordSale ("Zappa", "Apostrophe")). This
>>>>> sale
>>>>> is a function of type (Sales -> Sales) that modifies your sales. We
>>>>> state
>>>>> this by defining
>>>>> type Sale = Sales -> Sales
>>>>> recordSale :: Record -> Sale
>>>>> Sales can be concatenated with the dot operator (.) and there is even a
>>>>> "neutral sale", the function 'id'. Thus, you know immediately that for
>>>>> any
>>>>> sales x,y,z there is (x . (y . z) == (x . y) . z) and (x . id == x). In
>>>>> other words, it forms a monoid - just like the number of sales together
>>>>> with (+) and 0!
>>>>> If you're only interested in the number of sales, you can simply define
>>>>> type Sales = Integer
>>>>> recordSale record sales = sales + 1
>>>>> But you don't want to keep track of the whole number of sales - you
>>>>> want a
>>>>> number for every record you have sold. That means, you need a data
>>>>> structure that maps records to their number of sales:
>>>>> import Data.Map
>>>>> type Sales = Map Record Integer
>>>>> It's a bit tricky to find an implementation for recordSale. Think of
>>>>> how
>>>>> you can combine two arbitrary Sales objects before you try to implement
>>>>> it.
>>>>> Regards, Holger
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