[Haskell-cafe] Strange random choice algorithm
michael rice
nowgate at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 30 14:59:08 EST 2010
I'm not sure where I got this PICK function from, and don't understand why it's written as it is, so I wanted to test it for randomness. It seems random enough. But if I understand the algorithm correctly, instead of selecting one of the elements from the list, it eliminates all the elements but one and that's the value it returns. Seems like a roundabout way of doing it. Comments?
Also, is there a more direct way of printing an array?
Output below.
import System.Random
import Data.Array.IO
pick :: [a] -> IO a
pick [] = undefined
pick [x] = do return x
pick (x:xs) = pick' x xs (2 :: Int)
pick' :: (Num p, Random p) => t -> [t] -> p -> IO t
pick' curr [] _ = do return curr
pick' curr (next:rest) prob
= do r <- getStdRandom (randomR (1,prob))
let curr' = if r == 1 then next else curr
pick' curr' rest (prob+1)
main = do arr <- newArray (1,9) 0 :: IO (IOArray Int Int)
doLoop arr [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] 0
doLoop arr z k = do p <- pick z
a <- readArray arr p
writeArray arr p (a+1)
if k > 10000
then do
v <- readArray arr 1
print v
v <- readArray arr 2
print v
v <- readArray arr 3
print v
v <- readArray arr 4
print v
v <- readArray arr 5
print v
v <- readArray arr 6
print v
v <- readArray arr 7
print v
v <- readArray arr 8
print v
v <- readArray arr 9
print v
else do
doLoop arr z (k+1)
[michael at localhost ~]$ runhaskell array1.hs
[michael at localhost ~]$
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