[Haskell-cafe] problems installing ghc-6.12.1-x86_64

Andrew Polonsky andrew.polonsky at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 09:16:39 EST 2010

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 18:17, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
<ivan.miljenovic at gmail.com> wrote:
> Andrew Polonsky <andrew.polonsky at gmail.com> writes:
>> Help!!  I am trying to build 6.12 on a fresh 64-bit Ubuntu, with no
>> GHC installed yet.  The compiler itself builds happily, but when I try
>> to "make install" the Haskell platform, I eventually get the error
> The Haskell Platform is currently for GHC 6.10.4, not 6.12.1.  Assuch,
> there's no guarantees.

Ah, that makes sense of course.  But what about cabal?  Is it possible
to get cabal working without having the ghc package installed?

Isn't there a way to set the whole thing up from the latest GHC,
without dependence on distribution repositories?

Thanks again,

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